
Do things ahead of time.

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[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 24:44

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour

when you do not expect him.

You have to do everything you do in life ahead of time.

If you do not do things ahead of time,

even things that would have worked out will not work out, and you will fail.

On the other hand, if you do things ahead of time,

even things that would not have worked out will work out, and you will succeed.

Let’s say that you are running a 100m race.

You have to be ready to start ahead of time and then immediately start

as soon as you hear the start signal.

This is so important that it will determine whether you will win or lose.

Also, even if it is a person with skills, if they do not practice ahead of time,

they are unable to show their true abilities when they are racing.

Even a skillful person will lose to a person who does things ahead of time.

Doing things ahead of time determines your fate like this.

When you are hungry, will you be full if you only pray?

You have to eat in order to solve the issue of hunger.


You should realize this, and instead of pushing your work off to God,

you, yourself, must do things ahead of time.

You should both pray and also do the work you should do ahead of time.

You have to always do things ahead of time with

the work you should do in the future and the time that is coming in the future.

Only then will you be victorious, succeed, and receive the time of hope.

From now on, I bless you to do things ahead of time when it comes to mind,

pray every day to receive the blessing of doing things ahead of time,

and do things ahead of time when the Holy Spirit gives you inspiration,

telling you to do things ahead of time.

5/25/2017 12:17:34 AM