
If it is done out of order, it will not work out even if you do it.

본문 .



[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] 1 Corinthians 14:40

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

To be orderly means doing things in the right order.

Therefore, you will get things done only if you do them in the right order.

There is a correct order in living life. It is like a math formula.

If you calculate things out of order, you will not find the answer even in a lifetime.

The same is true with living life.

Nature and seasons also come and go in the right order.

The same is true with flowing water.

Water that gushes out from a spring first will flow down first.

A tree also sprouts leaves, produces flowers and bears fruit in the right order.

Daily life also should be lived in the right order.

The reason the Holy Trinity work upon people at certain times and do not work upon them at other times is because people treat Them out of order and thus, miss the right time.   

God absolutely does things in sequence and according to order.

If you prune a tree’s branches first and then apply fertilizer,

the time for the tree to absorb the fertilizer will pass,

so it will fail to absorb fertilizer and will not grow that year.

If you apply fertilizer first in the early spring like fertilizing a grapevine and then prune the branches, the tree will grow properly.

Trees must be managed in the right order in order for them to grow properly.

The same is true for life.

In this way, take action every day without changing the order of daily life.

How the Trinity give the appropriate things at the appropriate time is the right order.

6/6/2017 6:58:46 AM