
[CNews 041] ‘Japanese Medical Team’ of Christian Gospel Mission Giving Lectures in Seoul National Seminar

On August 6th, 20 members from the Christian Gospel Mission’s Japanese Medical Team in Japan attended  Seoul National Seminar to make better medical society with students preparing for MEET and  PEET tests and with ‘future health care providers’ who are currently in majors related to the medical field . 

This seminar was a special mentoring program that was held by the ‘World Peace Medical Organization’ and was sponsored by the Global Medical Corp . The purpose of the seminar was to give the proper mindset to students who are to lead the medical community in the future. The 20 Japanese medical team members attended Busan seminar at first and participated in Seoul seminar.  .

Currently, the elites who passed the college entrance exam and got into prestigious universities with good majors, are going back to private educational institutes to become doctors and pharmacists. Sometimes, they even wait  in line staying up all night to listen to the lecture of a famous lecturer .  



This event was held for each nation to share their respective medical ideology and to find a possible answer to questions such as: ‘What aspects of healthcare providers do attract people who are working hard to change their path to medical field? Also, what is the highest purpose of a healthcare provider in his/her career?’

Special lecture by Dr. Saito, a psychiatrist and a gynecologist in Japan, provided opportunities for students to reflect about themselves again and to think about loving lives. Little hopes that can change the current medical field such as the mindset that a true health provider should have were shared. 

Dr. Lee, Changwon, the host of the event, shared his thoughts saying, “I wonder how many people among the current doctors and pharmacists actually have something in their heart to say, ‘you have to become a doctor like this,’ to juniors when they meet them. Even though you will become doctors after taking the Hippocratic Oath, you always have to check yourself carefully to see if you have become a medical person who is chasing fame, power, or wealth without realizing.”

Also, Dr. Kim, Myung Jae, said, “Current medical field with so many contradictions that have become a world where patients are seen as money. We need doctors, pharmacists, and nurses who treat patients with a mentality of love for life.”
Lastly, Dr. Kimura from Japan shared his thoughts of attending the event saying, “From the students who are going to lead the future, people should not simply challenge to go to a medical graduate school or a pharmacological school in order to get a stable job with fame and wealth, but instead become people who pursue true value. If these kinds of people gather, the medical community will truly become a community where there are no contradictions.”


Original Article : http://cnews041.com/sub_read.html?uid=44574&section=section91
