Pastor Joo Pill-seung delivered the message

The united prayer assembly for the nation’s salvation, commemorating the 63rd year of the Korean War, took place in Wolmyeongdong, the training center in nature in Geumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do with 3000 JS department members from Christian Gospel Mission attending.
The assembly proceeded with people giving thanksgiving to God who has worked upon the people of Korea. Afterwards, as everyone gathered their hearts together, there was a time of praying for the future and peace in Korea.
The assembly began with a testimony about how much grace [the JS department] received during the 40 day conditional prayer for the JS department, and a special song by 60 JS members from the Busan region. Pastor Joo Pill-seung, a famous lecturer, gave a special lecture and afterwards there was a time of confessing faith. All the items in the assembly took place in a graceful manner.
On the day, Pastor Joo Pill-seung gave a message from Pastor Jeong Myeong-seok about the correct attitude and lifestyle that a person of faith must have, and about God who works upon the nation of Korea.
Christian Gospel Mission is expecting to hold interdenominational prayer assemblies for the nation and people regularly in the future also.
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