
[Newswave] Christian Gospel Mission celebrates for the 8th anniversary of the Days of God

President Jung Myung-seok opens ‘The Days of God’ event from the 1st to the 15th of January.


  ▲ On January 1st, 2014,  the leaders in the campus department headquarters are praising at the natural retreat center to commemorate the Days of God

On the first day of the new year of 2014, the sound of praising God resonated at the beautiful and majestic Natural Temple in Wolmyeongdong, Keumsan in Choongnam Province from the early morning.

The seasonal event, ‘the Days of God’ from Christian Gospel Mission has started. This event took place with the intent of starting the New Year by giving thanks and glory to God, and it continued from the 1st to the 15th of January. It was first started  by President Jung Myeong-seok from Christian Gospel Mission, and marked its 8th anniversary this year. 
Through the Sunday message of the season of ‘the Days of God,’ which was the week of giving glory to God, President Jung Myeong-seok said, “We should give glory to God with love while being thankful that He sent ‘the Lord’ who would save us. I hope everyone shall know the meaning and the Will and spend the rest of the days meaningfully.”
This year, the event of ‘the Days of God’ was held at each church throughout the nation, the world, and the Wolmyeongdong Natural Temple. At the Wolmyeongdong Natural Temple, 25 departments, one department to another, participated in  giving glory to God A praise festival toward God was held freely at various places, which were the Holy Son’s House of Love, the Cultural Center, the Natural Temple, Gamram Mountain, and the Prayer Hill with around 4,000 people for 15 days.

 ▲ Each church is giving glory to God.

The Korean HQ considered the situation of the road which was icy due to the cold, so they encouraged people to spend the week of giving glory at each church. For this reason, the number of participants of the Natural Temple event decreased from last year.
While the seasonal event, ‘the Days of God’ from Christian Gospel Mission was taking place for 15 days, the harmony that was resonating because heaven and earth met melted the ground that was frozen and announced the beginning of the nation that God would spread in the new year, 2014.

The original text : http://www.newswave.kr/sub_read.html?uid=279229
