
[YTN] Corrections on the reporting of President Jung Myeong Seok

Between May 22 and July 26, 2014, the news station broadcasted as follows about President Jung Myeong Seok: “President Jung Myeong Seok of JMS sexually assaulted female members and then fled to various foreign countries, but was eventually captured by the Chinese police when he was in China and repatriated to Korea,” “He stowed away,” and “He accepted sexual favors as bribes from female members.” 

However, after verifying the truth, it was confirmed that the sexual assault charges were dismissed by the prosecutors involved, and he was able to travel overseas lawfully. He returned to Korea several times during his travels and was investigated by the prosecutors about his travels. In these ways, the news broadcasted about Jung was different from the facts. Even the charge of him accepting sexual favors as brides was also dropped. It is evident that the reportings on Jung were not entirely based on fact. Hence, we made the appropriate corrections.

Additionally, it was confirmed that the name JMS is not in fact the ministry’s official name. Hence, we correct it to the ministry’s actual official name, The Christian Gospel Mission. 

The original article : http://ytn.co.kr/_ln/0103_201503161004314232
