
[Newswave] ‘Mannam & Daewha’, The Community Website of the Christian Gospel Mission

Meet Pastor Jung Myeong Seok and his Word of life, and the people of faith who make this word into a world of God through Mannam & Daewha.


 ▲ The official website of the Christian Gospel Mission, Mannam & Daewha (http://www.god21.net)

Come and visit Mannam & Daewha at http://www.god21.net, a website run by the Christian Gospel Mission (CGM). Here, you can experience Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s Word of life that is food for the soul and spirit, and experience the ambition of the people of faith who are advancing this world to be a world of God.  


The Mannam & Daewha website opened on March 16, 2007 and the name was given by Pastor Jung of the CGM. Mannam & Daewha contains the meaning of a meeting between Heaven and Earth, between people and people and a meeting with the Lord and having conversations with the Lord. 


 ▲ Mannam & Daewha cartoons

In this cyberspace, which transcends time and space, CGM members are spreading the truth and love of God, and brothers and sisters of faith are communicating with one another.

This website is an amalgamation of previously existing websites that have been refurbished and were opened on February 3, 2013. Mannam & Daewha is combined with RGO Radio and the Wolmyeongdong website, so that one site is made for members to login, to access all other branch sites.


Currently, members can view the website in five languages: Japanese, English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese and Korean. Not just members in Korea, but members from other countries such as Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, America can also register to the site, after confirming their membership.


The main sections of the website are: messages by Pastor Jung Myeong Seok, Sunday message, Wednesday message, morning proverbs, God’s world (includes poems of inspiration). The interactive section of the website is where people of various professions testify about God and this time period. The community section of the website is where members share information with one another. 


 ▲ Proverbs by Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

The section called God’s World contains the messages from Pastor Jung Myeong Seok. In order to facilitate deep meditation and deep faith, photo proverbs and videos are posted for people to spend one on one time with God, with the Lord and with themselves.


The interactive section involves several subsections. The subsection called Press release contains news about CGM and Pastor Jung. The other subsections are Korea and Foreign news and Cartoons, which will allow anyone to easily understand the Word, and the Study Alcove, which is where professionals in the areas of economics, birds, science, cooking and others write articles about their professions and its relevance to the messages.

The contents on Mannam & Daewha are produced by talented members from Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia and America. They create pictures, calligraphy, illustration, poems and literature, such as essays. They challenge themselves as they give glory to God and spread the word of this time period to the ends of the Earth.

Mannam & Daewha is open to anyone who wants to make this world into God’s world. All the main sections of the site are available to public access.


Also, there are official CGM blogs in Mannam & Daewha in daum, Google, Kakao Story and other forums.

The original text: http://www.newswave.kr/sub_read.html?uid=321100
