
[Geumsan Newspaper] Let’s be the light and the salt of the community



In Geumsan, which is the home of life and the land of the future, the Joohyang Church- the cradle of faith- held a celebratory inauguration service on July 26th, 2015 at 4pm. The service was attended by community leaders, regional congressmen and provincial members.

The first service held by the Joohyang Church was in November 1998, at the Geumsan Ginsang Hotel. Eighteen years later, a miracle happened in which they purchased a five storey building, that was the Sorento Restaurant. The building comprises of the first floor, which is the basement and then four levels above the ground. It has a total area of 804 pyeong and is right next to the Yoenhap clinic.

The church members had been actively evangelizing and so membership had increased. The church was then separated into three churches: the Geumsan Rock Church, the Geumsan New Light Church and the Geumsan Joohyan Church. In 2010, all three church combined with Joohyang Church, as the center, and became one Church.

In November 2014, Joohyang church signed the contract for the purchase of the new church building. Then in May 2015, the interior construction was completed. The building was turned into a majestic and beautiful temple.

Pastor Bae Jae-yong said, “Since God established this Church for this community, we must be the way, the salt and the light of this region. As we evangelize, we should bring people to follow us by them seeing our good deeds. This is the ideal way for evangelism. Since God gave us this big Church, our duty is to fill this Church with treasures of lives. During the celebration segment of the service, kindergarteners and elementary school students performed a dance which heightened the excitement. Also, there was a performance by the Shinpoon which showed artistic inspirations.

The famine is not a famine of bread nor a drought without water. It is a famine of the Lord’s word. During this time of famine, we hope that the Geumsan Joohyan Church will become the cradle of lives and raise the Geumsan region to be one level higher in faith.
