
[Newswave] The Christian Gospel Mission held services on Christmas Day (25th December) at every Church, in Korea and around the world.


The Christian Gospel Mission (CGM, an organization headed by President Jung Myeong Seok) held Christmas Day services on the 25th of December 2015. A Christmas Day service was held at every CGM Church throughout Korea, and all over the world.


The theme for this year’s Christmas was a Christmas of love, peace and glory; peace on Earth and glory to Heaven.


As a part of the Christmas Day sermon, President Jung Myeong Seok spoke about the life of Jesus and the folly of the Jewish people. He said, ‘Before Jesus came, the Jews were the believers of God. They believed that God Himself would come,’ and he added, ‘They believed that the Messiah sent by God would appear like a prince and would come riding on a cloud from Heaven.’  


He also said, “The wrong perceptions of people caused them to misinterpret the Bible, and thus, were unable to receive the Messiah they had waited for 4000 years.


The Jews were fixated on the laws of the Old Testament and refused to hear the Word, which God was speaking through Jesus. Instead, they persecuted Jesus and ultimately, caused him to walk the path of the cross.


President Jung continued, “Let us be thankful to the Holy Trinity who sent the Messiah to the Earth, be in awe of Jesus’ life, in which he actualized God’s will here on Earth, and celebrate his birth.”


He emphasized, “I hope that everyone will realize that this time period is like Jesus’ time, know how valuable this time period is and give glory to the Holy Trinity.”


In each church, after the service concluded, special performances, evangelism rallies and other activities were held. Everyone spent the Christmas Day, the day of the Savior coming to the Earth, in a way that was full of meaning.

The original article: http://newswave.kr/sub_read.html?uid=332525&section=
