
Eagle Church: Christmas of Love

Christmas of Love

December 21, 2013, was a very festive day for the members at Eagle Church, as they celebrated the Christmas of Love of Jesus and the Holy Son with a big party full of talents, food, new lives, and, most importantly, love!

The Campus Department. The musical, entitled “Winter Holy Land,” set the atmosphere for the rest of the night. Through this performance, which told the story of two kids who wanted to make Christmas meaningful by sharing the Lord’s love through evangelism,  Campus members emphasized the importance of saving lives, and reminded the attendees that Christmas is not about presents, but rather about loving the Lord, while sharing His love with others.



The campus department gave glory to The Trinity through acting, singing, and cheering in their musical, “Winter Holy Land.”

As the event continued, the different departments gave glory to God in various ways. The Family Department, together with the Milky Ways, gave glory through music; while the kids played instruments, the parents sang a medley of Christmas songs, and ended their performance to the beat of Sister Act’s, “I Will Follow Him.”


A very talented Milky Way played the violin during the family department performance.

Their performance was followed by the Career Department’s cheer; a very funny and original dance to the rhythm of Jingle Bells. And finally, the Shining Stars made a video, through which they told the story of Jesus, and how the people at his time period misunderstood him and persecuted him. Through this video, they taught, or reminded, those in the event that history must be used as a mirror, and that we must learn from the mistakes people made in the past so we won’t make the same mistakes today.

The event was wrapped up with a time of praise, where all the people present were given the opportunity to give glory to the Trinity through singing. It concluded with some words from the head-leader, who reminded those present what the true meaning of Christmas is. He explained that Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus’ birthday, encouraging them to celebrate him, while giving glory and thanks to the Trinity who sent him.
