
The Sports Department opening ceremony and prayer assembly that was held as a remembrance of the March First Independence Movement.


A church of the Christian Gospel Mission (President: Pastor Jung) held an opening ceremony and a prayer assembly for the 95th anniversary of the March First Independence Movement at the Wolmyeongdong retreat temple.

This event was able to be held in a very meaningful way because of the way Pastor Jung prepared abundantly with his daily prayers for the nation and people of the nation.

Furthermore, the first Sports Department’s opening ceremony service of that day began with giving glory to God before the official sports events.

About 1088 participants from sports teams such as soccer, baseball, and volleyball gathered in to receive Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s everyday mentality, based upon the foundation of the word.

The way of sports that Pastor Jung Myeong Seok emphasizes playing and has discovered in his everyday life is to not cling to winning but rather peace and harmony.

His message and pursuit for uniting the world through sports with hard effort and interaction greatly challenges today’s competitive sports world centered on money and winning.

The event began with a dance routine from the cheer team and took place in the sanctuary that is on the third floor of the Holy Son’s House of Love in Wolmyeongdong. Afterwards, Pastor Jung Beomseok preached Word about the type of heart that a sportsman must have and Word about loving the country with a deep heart.

This opening ceremony and prayer assembly held by the sports department was a time for everyone who participated to become harmonized through praying for the nation and listening to the Word.



월명동 성자 사랑의 집 3층 예배당에서 10시에 진행된 행사는 운동장의 꽃인 치어단원들의 응원가를 바탕으로 율동과 함께 시작되었다. 이어 정범석 목사가 나라 사랑과 체육인으로서 가져야 할 마음가짐에 대해 심정 깊이 말씀을 전하였다.

이번 구국 기도회 및 체육부 개막 예배를 통해 나라를 위해 기도하고 말씀을 들으면서 참석자 모두가 화합하는 시간이었다.
