뉴스_월명동 소식

Refreshed Cultural Center, there was spring cleaning for the day of life


 Water cleaning for the Cultural Center exterior

March 10th, after the Sunday Service, all the members of Wolmyeongdong Church-Galaxy, Career Department, Blessed Family, JS and Japanese members were united and cleaned the Cultural Center for the day of life. Wolmyeongdong Church members dust off exterior and stairs with water. And they dust off and dirt out inside of Cultural Center. Japanese members picked up the leaves and sweeped off the dirt on the way to the Cultural Center  and made it clean.


 Japanese Members picking the leaves on the way to the Cultural Center

From this Sunday message, "You should do what you supposed to to but if you do it when is not you supposed to do, issues occur. So you yourself need to be careful, and let's look ourselves back. Be united and peaceful." We wanted to put that word in action, when we were cleaning each part which we supposed to clean, we were doing what we need to do and we tried not to make problems. 

Also, even if it was hard, from young galaxy to JS, from members to head leaders, we were all united and cleaned with joy, and organized all the places of Cultural Center like fixing our contradiction.

I hope that our hearts and mind to be cleaned and renewed like cleaned Cultural Center. 

Translation / Evelyn
