뉴스_월명동 소식

The Dedication Service for The Holy Son’s House of Love





The Holy Son’s house of love is the very first official building that has been completed in 35 years of Providence history. There was the dedication service and dedication ceremony for the Holy Son’s house of love at the main hall of the Holy Son’s house of love for about 3 hours on the morning of the 12th. For this event, over 1,000 people, who were head leaders, representative leaders for each department and others, attended.

The first part of the dedication for the Holy Son’s house of love was hosted by Pastor Moon Seong-chun for about an hour, and Pastor Jung Jo-eun delivered the message of the dedication service that Pastor Jung Myeong-seok sent.
Pastor Jung Myeong-seok told us the story behind the Holy Son’s house of love through the message. In order to receive the Lord’s design, Pastor Jung Myeong-seok has drawn the design of the building as he  studied an architecture book since the year 2010 and he received the inspiration saying, ‘According to the Holy Son Lord’s will, build beautifully, mysteriously, and majestically’ while he was planning the design of the building with Providence architectural experts. Just as the Ambition Masterpiece was completed after they built it six times, the building of today was completed after the blueprint of the Holy Son’s house of love was revised six times. He said that the Ambition Masterpiece and the Holy Son’s house of love were the pride of the Holy Trinity.

The first part, the dedication service, ended and before the second part, the dedication ceremony for the Holy Son’s house of love, began, the people of merit gathered together in front of the Holy Son’s house of love and cut the ribbon as representatives of Providence.

The second part, the dedication ceremony of the Holy Son’s house of love, began from 10am. It was hosted by Pastor Kang Jung-ho and the video of the construction of the Holy Son’s house of love was played. After that, it was continued with the deep message of the dedication ceremony from Pastor Jung Bum-seok and many people were deeply moved to tears   as they listened to the word.

All the events were wrapped up with a cake-cutting and a celebration performance from the orchestra.

After all the events ended, people gave further thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity at beautiful Wolmyeongdong as they had a lunch which was like a feast for everyone involved.

Because it is the Holy Son’s house of love that the Holy Trinity, Pastor Jung Myeong-seok, and many disciples fulfilled by being united as one, that thrill and joy must become greater.
