뉴스_월명동 소식

For summer vacation, let’s go to the walking trails in WMD where it is full of phytoncides!!


 ▲ Relieve your heart while walking through the trail of pine trees and listening to the sounds of the woods behind the Natural Temple.

Summer vacation season is reaching its peak.  Do you hope to get away from your busy life, be embraced by the vacation site, and comfort your tiried heart. However, at vacation sites, numerous people gather together at once, and you become even more tired by the noise.

Rather than going to a vacation site where it is so loud and busy with people that the place makes your ears and heart more tired, what about going to a quiet place in nature, to release your stress, and comfort your heart? That place is “Wolmyeongdong Walking Trails.”



  ▲ While walking on Wolmyeongdong Walking Trails where it is full of phytoncides, your body will be refreshed and the stress of your heart will be relieved.

There are many walking trails in Wolmyeongdong: the Faith Mountain trail, Autumne Leaves trail where the leaves of the maple trees are beautifully colored, the Tiger trail where [the Teacher] saw tigers, the Pine Tree trail lined with beautiful pine trees, and more.

Walk slowly along the Wolmyeongdong Walking Trails where phytoncides are spurt and listen carefully to the sounds of the wind and birds. Then your stress will be naturally reduced. 


  ▲  Wolmyeongdong Walking Trails leaves a deep impact in your heart with sounds made clearly by birds and the wind with the strong scent of the trees.


Phytoncide is an element produced a lot in deep forests.  The main ingredient is Terpen and it releases a scent pleasant to your body and mind. It boosts your ability to overcome fatigue and clears the parts of your mind and body that have been damaged by toxic substance and stress.  It increases your immune system and natural healing power.

For the ‘Heaven’s Word Language Retreat’ in Summer 2014, artists have drawn pictures based on the morning proverbs that were delivered by P. Jung Myeong Seok every morning. They have been placed in various places around Wolmyeongdong such as the Ambition Masterpiece and the Prayer Mountain.  You can kill two birds with one stone by healing your body and mind in nature, while considering the art drawings in Wolmyeongdong as art pieces.
