뉴스_월명동 소식

Making It Even More Majestic, Rock Landscaping Construction at the Side of the Lord’s House of Love in WMD





With the monsoon rain season having come, Wolmyeongdong (WMD) had cloudy and rainy weather for the entire week. Due to the rain saturating [the land], the heat of the scorching sun was made less severe and the working became much easier.

June 14th, WMD is at the height of the construction of the rock landscape for a side of the Lord’s house of love, which is to be completed at the end of this month.


Originally, it was planned to be constructed like tiered seats in a stadium, but it is to be constructed in a rock landscape that is more majestic and better as the result of the coaching of the Holy Son Lord, which Pastor Jung, Myeong Seok [received] through deep prayers, and close discussion between Pastor Jung, Myeong Seok and Pastor Jung, Bum Seok.

Pastor Baek, Choong Kyung who was explaining about the  situation with the construction said, “We do not know how it will turn out when completed. We will know only when we go until the end. However, what is certain is that it will change for the better.” He added that he would like to make a request for many prayers from the members.
