Proper life of faith by 주아나

Are you living 'a proper life of faith?' Young believers take action by the Word of the Lord even though they do not know it well. However, mature believers feel dull because they have done them many times. Such adults must learn the proper life of faith again, right? If your conscious is pricked as you read on, let's become a proper believer by studying and taking action diligently. - Drawing by Shidongi

카툰&포토_완결 카툰_Proper life of faith

[3rd Grade] Speed is different.


0 10,911 10 7/25/2014



서운한 마음은 LTE-A급인 신앙 , 실천은 2G보다 느린 신앙에서
벗어나서 바른 신앙 생활을 해보아요!

Having a senstively hurt heart is like a faith of LTE-A level, however let us escape taking action slower than the 2G, the slow faith and live the correct faith