Welcoming a new year with joy by giving glory to God

▲ A JS Christian Gospel Mission event on one of the Days of God
Only the praise and glory that is given to God with love can make God happy.
The Christian Gospel Mission (President Jung Myung Seok) welcomed the new year of 2015 with joy as it gave glory to God.
‘The Days of God’ lasted from the 1st to the 15th of January. Now it has become a regular observance at the beginning of each new year; this year too, it was celebrated.
All members [of CGM,] Korea as well as all over the world, gave glory to God with praise at each church and in their own places. Moreover, in the Natural Temple in Geumsan-gun, Chungnam province, people woke the dawn and never stopped [offering] their sound of love toward God. Campus, career, JS, and other departments visited and participated in The Days of God event at the Natural Temple.
The founder of CGM, President Jung Myung Seok, lives and displays a life that loves only God and that offers thanksgiving, love, and glory only to God. His life has been about looking into God’s heart first and living by the Will of God. He has been carrying out a ministry of saving lives and a ministry of saving lives that God wants to save and makes them people who love and give glory to God.
President Jung encouraged [CGM] members to observe ‘The Days of God.’ He said, “God, even now, takes care of, is together with, keeps safe, and helps each and every person on the earth. He has never stopped doing it. Therefore, being thankful for His love is surely an appropriate [thing to do] and giving glory to Him is definitely right. During The Days of God, give glory to God and spend that time more satisfactorily.”
The original text : http://www.newswave.kr/sub_read.html?uid=306180