
[Urinews] Freewill. Faith that can be helped and faith that can’t be helped.


 ▲The Cornerstone Rock of the Ambition Masterpiece, Wolmyeongdong’s giant rock landscape, in the Christian Gospel Mission’s Natural Retreat Center.

[This sermon is based on the key points of Pastor Jung Myeong Seok’s sermon on September 11, 2016.]


Hallelujah! I bless you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal God, the peace of the Holy Son, the fiery love of the Holy Spirit, and the inspiration, movement, and working of the Word.


God gave human beings free will.

Even if God chose people and let them live believing in the Lord, God has given people ‘free will’ to think and do according to their own hearts.

If He had not given it to them, incidents of people giving up on believing in God and the Lord after once believing in Them would not happen in this world.

However, that would not be ‘reason and justice.’

If that were the case, then human beings would have to receive God’s interference in every single aspect of their lives such as when they think, eat, dress, and live.

God does not look after human beings in that way.


He lets people eat and digest on their own and lets them see and hear things on their own; He created people’s brains so that they could discern and judge for themselves.

God plants ‘His Word’ into people’s brains, thoughts, and hearts, and lets them achieve transformation by thinking and taking action on their own according to that Word.

Through that, He lets their souls and spirits transform into Heavenly form.


No matter how much God and the Lord speak, your life will change according to how you think, judge, and take action.

This is the law of reason and justice that God has established.


Even after you have loved God and the Lord, lived for salvation and eternal things, and did well, if your heart of loving God and the Lord dies, then you will go to the opposite sex that you like, fall for the pleasures of the world, and go to the world of material wealth.

They are the things that your thoughts have decided according to your own free will.


God does for human beings ‘everything He needs to do for us as God.’

However, He does not do everything 100% with the lives as He wishes.

Because He gave human beings freewill, He lets them make their decisions according to ‘their own freewill.’

Both your body’s destiny and your eternal destinies are determined by whether you use your freewill well or not.


In the end, if you misuse your own free will, your faith will become a faith that can’t be helped.

You absolutely have to control your ‘physical nature’ and take action according to your spirit’s thoughts and the thoughts of the Holy Spirit and the Lord.

You must not use your own free will as ‘you please’ but make sure to entrust ‘God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord’ with it.

You have to live entrusting your own free will to ‘God, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord’ and live using your <freewill> well. Then your faith will become a faith that can be helped.


People’s thoughts are ‘in a constant state of flux.’ Their thoughts are so easily changed.

God said, “You should take action according to your own free will, but ‘you’ should also bear the responsibility.”


One time, I looked to see what was happening spiritually to someone whose life of faith was shattered. I looked at that person in the spiritual world.

I will tell you what I saw. So listen well.

When I looked at ‘the spiritual reality’ of someone whose life of faith was shattered, that person’s spirit had crossed ‘the river into the domain of death.’ Satan was holding ‘that spirit’ and would not let go.There was no ‘boat that person could take to escape and return to the domain of life again.’ Thus, that person kept living as ‘a spirit who was contained in that environment.’

When I met with that spirit, I could clearly see into that person’s ‘thoughts, actions and heart.’

In the past, that person so earnestly said, “I must return to the domain of life. I am not a spirit who should be living here. I am different from other people. I will surely return to the domain of life where I used to live in the past.”

But when time passed, that person mingled with more than 80% of ‘the spirits who lived there’ and was living having ‘become accustomed to that environment altogether.’

The houses those spirits lived in were slightly bigger than ‘a dog house.’ Their ceilings were not even ‘1 meter’ high. So they were living with their backs bent ’90 degrees.’ When she* saw me, her thoughts came back to life.

(* Translation note: gender unknown.)

At that time, she had a desire to follow me out of there. However, it wasn’t as easy to do as she thought.

When she set her mind to get out, ‘the evil spirits who managed those people’ were watching and said, “Your thoughts are wrong. You are a citizen of this place. So you must follow the laws of this place.”


When I looked at the spirits in the domain of death, their forms had changed completely and they looked like ghosts.

When I came out of there, I saw ‘a world with a slight bit of light.’ When I looked around, I saw ‘spirits there who lived like primitives.’

Each ‘spirit’ was being rewarded according to ‘the deeds of their bodies.’ But there was no one who came to save them and no one who came to visit them at all.

There was not even ‘a thread’ of the path of salvation at all.

When I looked at those spirits, they were the spirits of people whose ‘bodies’ were given various ways to travel on the path to the light of salvation and various chances but did not travel the path of salvation till the end while they lived ‘centering on themselves’ and misusing their free will.

That is why there was not even one person who came to lead them out even ‘a thread’s worth.’

Their clothing smelled like they were rotting.

Their bodies were ‘beautiful’ but their spirits were like sick and ruined people and homeless beggars.

They looked like people who were only skin and bones due to severe illness and like people who were terminally ill and did not have many days left to live.


Since ‘the Word,’ which is the food for the soul and spirit, was cut off because they lived as they pleased while rejecting God’s Word, they were skin and bones and were living with vague notions.

You have to know just h-o-w important living hearing the Word of God is!

When I saw what they looked like, it was really shocking.  


The Holy Spirit said:

“Realize just how valuable and important living life while listening to the Word of life in the domain of life is and live consider that life a joy every day and live investing your life in it.”


The Word is ‘the spirit’s food’ and ‘weapon.’ It is like ‘fertilizer that is absolutely necessary for a tree to grow,’ and it is like ‘the base, nutritious soil for a fruit tree.’

The authority of the Word is ‘the authority of the iron scepter.’ It is ‘the Lord’s authority.’ Therefore, if you fight and control using the Word, you will surely be victorious!


Use the free will that God gave you well and valuably.  

I bless you to always be awake and alert and keep yourself from becoming distant from the Lord’s thoughts.


[Source: Christian Gospel MIssion http://www.cgm.or.kr]

Original article: http://www.urinews.org/sub_read.html?uid=37229
