뉴스_월명동 소식

The Holy Son’s House of Love: Harmony Between A Tree, Flower, and Stones Allows Them to Display Their Dignity.




A master piece bonsai tree, in front of the Holy Son’s House of Love, is in harmony with rare Suiseki stones (viewing stones) and a big blue lilyturf.  [Their harmony] adds dignity to the building. Work started on the masterpiece in July and was finished on August 16th, taking about a month.

Translator’s  note:  Suiseki stone (viewing stone) is naturally formed stone that has the power and beauty to suggest a scene from nature or object closely associated with nature

The masterpiece bonsai tree that was planted in front of the Holy Son’s House of Love, was positioned by the Cultural Center, taken care for 3 years and it has now been moved to this place.

Big blue lilyturf, which adds dignity to the bonsai tree grows well in shade, so they are planted in the shady gardens of city apartment buildings or high-rise buildings. Big blue lilyturf blossoms from May to August, it is plum in color, and it produces a blossom of 3-5 flowers on one spike.

The tree Suiseki stones  around the bonsai tree are from Hwasoon, Jeonnam province. When the stones were moved to WMD, they were covered in moss and ivy on them. The Sukseki stones with moss and ivy naturally add harmony together with the bonsai tree and big blue lilyturf.

Shuji, a Japanese member that worked on the bonsai tree and the big blue lilyturf, expressed the impression [he got from the masterpiece].
“I expect the bonsai tree, viewing stones, and big blue lilyturf will harmonize together and make the view of the Holy Son’s House of Love more beautiful.”
