영상_1분 묵상

Do your best.

Even though each person can live the 'upper level life,' if they take action doing their very best, people just live their lives in mediocre way just to be comfortable for now.
That is why the things they hoped for do not come true and their dreams don't become reality.
Obeying the Word while living at the 'upper level,' is hard and difficult at first.
However, once you get it done, joy and hope will always arise in your life.
You live at the level that has no potential because you don't take action to the best of your abilities.
The person who lives at the 'upper level life,' to the best of their abilities meet the Holy Son, converse with Him, connect/communicate with Him, love Him, and walk with the Holy Son.
Right now is time when you must do everything you do at the 'upper level,' while doing your very best.


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