영상_1분 묵상

Is it narrow, do you bump into things, and is it stifling right now?

‘The things of the present’ are THE PROCESS.
If you remain in the present, you end up receiving only ‘the things of the present’ as they are; so it is narrow, you bump into things, and it is stifling.
Ponder closely in the present. 

Then] you will discover tremendous things regarding what you should toil for and how you should carry it out.
Once you have discovered what to do, take action putting in hard work and effort.  
Transformation will take place as much as you take action and toil; thus your environment, heart, thoughts, and body also become good. 

Do not lose heart seeing or hearing only ‘the things of the present.’ Instead, look ahead at ‘what you will make’ and take action being filled with hope and rejoicing. 

- 정명석 목사의 2월 18일 새벽 잠언 중에서


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