You, seagull,
Fly over the sea to your heart's content,
Over the sea that is wider and bigger than the world.
Fly to your heart's content.
Do not cry, being drenched by rain because you do not want to fly.
The sound of waves,
The sound of a boat horn,
The sound of many voices.
Where else could I find
a bird that flies peacefully
in the sky of sea like you?
A lonely island,
village fishermen and their wives,
as they row their boats, singing songs with you as their friend,
all the fatigue disappears.
You, seagull,
Not on Myeong-dong, not on Young-dong,
please do not fly over the land.
There are so many places to sit, but do not sit.
It is not a safe place for you to sit.
You should sit on a mast.
If you sit on the land squatting down in an unlovely way,
people would look at you and say,
"Well, isn't that a seagull?"
"Has it been kicked out of the sea?"
"If it hasn't, may be it is a sick seagull?"
"No, that seagull looks like a stupid seagull,"
and talk badly about you like this.
Seagulls should fly over the sea.
You are the bird of peace of the sea.
Would anyone drive you out?
Would anyone shoot at you?
There is no one who could catch you.
The sea of Providence that does not have a border.
Today, fly on your wings to the Pacific ocean,
Tomorrow, to the Indian ocean,
The day after tomorrow, flutter off to the Atlantic ocean.
The sea, the Earth is
your world.
The sun rises brightly on the horizon,
The morning sea shines brilliantly,
and the waves dance, splashing,
but seagulls should not be excluded from this place.
You, seagull,
People call you the bird of sea, they also call you 'Haejo'.
Fly high to the end of the sky.
"The bird that flies the highest can see the farthest."
You, seagull,
You are the bird that is indispensable,
The bird that God created and raised,
You are 'Haejo.'