정명석 목사_영감의 시

As Living in the World that He Created



As living in the world that He created, 

until that long and long talk is finished, 

how come they do not mention 

even one letter 'G' of God. 

No matter what, 

God is still the origin of philosophy, 

the origin of salvation, and the origin of life, 

until the end of a book, 

how come there is no 'J' of Jesus. 

That's why it is conversation that is dead, and books that is dead

For that kind of book, a person who writes a book has a headache, 

for that kind of book, a person who reads a book has also a headache. 

until that long conversation is ended, 

how come there are no even one word about God and Jesus

who is the origin of conversation. 
That's why only their lips hurt and only emptiness is remained

Like a body without soul and spirit, 

Only their body is rolling,

a lump of body is rounding

and only talk and talk. 

From this end to that end, 

until a thousand ri or ten thousand ri, 

they only write to the point where the end is not seen. 

That's why until the death, 

even though they read, learn and talk,

every day, they fall into 

emptiness, vanity, agony, 

and weariness of life, 

and only their eyes hurt to see

and only their lips hurt to talk. 

They absolutely should put God

who is the origin of all creation, and the being of all creation. 
A person who talks about 'Him' in writings,

a person who shows 'Him' in their lives.

Even though his body is bound to the earth, 

he is a person of God. 

A person who lives that kind of life

is a person who live a life of the Holy Son. 


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