
Fight against yourself and win, and take possession of the Holy Son.

본문 .


[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong-seok
[Scriptures] Romans 7:21-23

21) So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 

22) For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 

23) but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.

Hallelujah! I bless you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son. 

For every matter, you cannot take possession unless you fight and win.Then with ‘what’ and with ‘whom’ should you fight and win?  First, you must fight against YOU, YOURSELF and win.  

The same is true when you are living while believing in and loving God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son. No matter what you do, you must first fight against YOURSELF. This fight is the fight regarding: ‘are the THOUGHTS OF GOD AND THE HOLY SON the priority’ or ‘is YOUR OWN THOUGHTS the priority.’

People live with their ‘bodies.’ Therefore, they will inevitably think ‘physical thoughts’ first. If your BODY is tired right now, you think first about how your body is tired, right? It means that if your body is so tired that it feels like it is going to collapse, you cannot think about the SPIRIT.

It is always the case that PHYSICAL THOUGHTS come first and SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS come later. Therefore, you must always fight against ‘yourself’ and win, and so cast off YOUR PHYSICAL THOUGHTS, and take possession of the HOLY SON’S THOUGHTS.  

In this world too, it is by working hard, putting in effort, and taking action on the ‘things you want,’ and doing your work, that you take possession of HOPE, and take possession of the THINGS YOU WANT.It is a FIGHT AGAINST YOURSELF. It is to fight while working hard, putting in effort, going through hardships, and doing your work. 

If you want to exist, gain what you want, do well and prosper, it is to ‘fight against yourself and win.’ It is, ‘hard work, effort, struggling, and sweating.’ There is something greater than ‘sweat.’ It is the ‘invisible tears of shimjeong.’ Work that is just done without ‘fighting, effort, and hard work’ is all work that is done after being defeated in the ‘fight against yourself.’ 

There are ‘people who live their lives without hard work and effort,’ and there are ‘people who live working hard and putting in effort.’ It is ultimately to make YOURSELF exist that you work hard and put in effort.People who live easily without hard work and effort’ do not gain anything.

In living lives of faith too, there are ‘those who do it without hard work or effort,’ and ‘those who do it with hard work, effort, with struggle, with exertion, and shedding tears of shimjeong.’People who take action with hard work, effort, struggling, exertion, and shedding tears of shimjeong will ultimately gain SALVATION, fulfill THEIR HOPES, and fulfill the RAPTURE according to their deeds.

The PURPOSE FOR WINNING OVER YOURSELF is to ‘gain the Holy Son.’

You must first fight against ‘yourself’ and win, and so take possession of the ‘Holy Son.’ Then as you live your life, whenever you are doing anything, you will hold firmly to the Holy Son as you do it, and the Holy Son will also take action holding your body, thoughts, soul, and spirit firmly.Therefore, you will not get sidetracked but walk the PATH OF ETERNAL VICTORY, THE PATH OF THE RAPTURE, AND THE PATH OF HEAVEN

The person whose PHYSICAL HEART and SPIRITUAL HEART fought and who defeated the PHYSICAL HEART and so took possession of the ‘Holy Son and the Lord’ completely as their own, is the ‘person who has won,’ and thus is a ‘person who has become united with the Holy Son.’ I bless all of you to be filled with the grace like this. 

5/23/2014 12:37:07 PM