
The beginning of the gospel of Providence History

본문 .

[Message]Pastor Jung Myeong-seok 
[Scriptures]Revelation 22:13 

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Hallelujah! I bless you to be filled abundantly with the ‘love of the eternal Holy Father God’ and the ‘peace of the Holy Son.’

The <beginning of the Gospel> is the <beginning of salvation>.

What is <salvation>?

When God preaches ‘the Word of life' at His appointed time, believe in and realize that Word, repent of your sins, and believe in and love God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son Lord. This is fulfilling <salvation>.

Therefore, the <beginning of the gospel> is the <beginning of salvation>.

The <gospel> is the ‘history of saving lives’ and the ‘history of great joy.’

The <gospel> is ‘joyful news.’ Since ‘salvation’ started through <the gospel>, how joyful of a news it is.

However, once the gospel is preached, ‘Satan’ desperately stops it through ‘people.’ Therefore, you must know this, pray, and treat [people] with <love>.

<God’s new history, new gospel> are not proclaimed at just any time.

The Old Testament history of the past started at the set ‘time,’ the New Testament history of the present also started at the set ‘time,’ and the future Complete Testament history also have to start at the set ‘time’ while the <new gospel> is preached, then the <new history> starts.


Since God is ‘time,’ He begins the <history> by setting a ‘time’ and carries out [His Will] according to ‘the time.’

All of us should preach the gospel according to the time and make many lives come back [to God].


6/2/2014 4:17:48 PM