
The Level of Love between Counterparts (Level of Love Depending on the Counterpart of Love)

본문 .

Scriptures: John 1:18

18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

1 Corinthians 2:11

11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

Revelation 2:27

27 that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father.



I bid you the love of the everlasting Holy Father God and the peace of the Holy Son Jesus.


There is a will and purpose for which God created the world and human beings. Therefore, unless human beings live according to God’s purpose of creation and His will, they can resolve neither their physical problems nor their spiritual problems.

When human beings live in the world, they should live believing in God and the Holy Son Jesus absolutely, hearing the Word that the Holy Son gives through the one He uses as His body, and become united with the one He sent, live within the Holy Spirit, and love God and the Holy Son Jesus only with true love just as a man and a woman would live united with each other in love. / Only when people resolve the spiritual problem of fulfilling God’s will in this way, will a life of eating, drinking, and enjoying physically be done according to God’s will. Hence, both their bodies and spirits will escape agony, and their spirits will live an eternal life.

No matter how much a person eats, enjoys themselves, and indulges in the pleasure of love and satisfaction from materials, everything ends in vain if they do not live according to God’s will. Such a person is in the domain of death both in the body and the spirit, so it is an agonizing life that ends momentarily. Therefore, human beings should live according to the purpose for which God created them


There is a purpose for which God the Creator, the Holy Spirit, and I, the Holy Son created heaven, earth, all things in it, and human beings. Created heaven, earth, all things in it, and human beings in order to create the spirit that belongs to Heaven through the body.

The spirit that is born through the body is “God’s relative counterpart of love”; this world where the spirit is being made through the body is “God’s relative world of love.”

The spirit that is born through the body is ‘a being that is in the position of the Trinity’s counterpart.’ 


‘The counterpart mate’ of those who were born in the flesh in the world is no one but the Creator God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son Jesus who exist as spirits in Heaven.

Therefore, both in the body and in the spirit that is born through the body, truly love the Trinity according to God’s purpose of creation and see. 

Just by loving God through ‘thoughts,’ you can feel His love. ‘The spirit feels tens of trillion times more intensely than the body. You feel it when you pray. You feel it when you obey the Word. You feel it when you truly love God and the Holy Son.

Do not just love the world but take the Holy Son as your eternal counterpart of love and love the Holy Son Jesus.

When you receive love from God, the Holy Spirit, and Me, the Holy Son, You will receive Heaven’s eternal love, fulfill the purpose for which God created human beings through your body on earth, and fulfill [that purpose] through your spirit in Heaven forever.

Live for the sake of eternal love and eternal ideals.


8/5/2012 4:51:45 PM