Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
이제 곧 기말고사지? 다들 너무 생각이 없길래 선생님이 잔소리 좀 할게. 제발 하나님 말씀 공부 좀 해라. ...
대학원을 다닐 때 언어연수를 위해 교환학생으로 러시아 이르쿠츠크에 갔었다. 10개월 정도 지냈는데, 정말...
The Lord's pride
“Are you not putting your hands up as I told you?” [My] eldest son reluctantly put his hands up on the wall. [My] second child is lying on the floor and crying sorrowfully “Mom, Mom….”.Two minutes passed like this. Lord: My love, please forgive Jooan [the...
Why is he crying?
“Buy me the rolling car~ the thing that flattens the floor~”I was going to buy him since he continuously whines about it even after couple of days. But there wasn’t any car that was good when we went to buy it at a store. There was 30$ one but I didn’t wan...
How do I resolve my anger?
So that you may attain a higher-level life today than you did yesterday by using a better method and so that you may attain a higher-level tomorrow than you did today by using an even better method, you must not ask about the things that concern tomorrow when ...
Joint fate
“You were shocked right?” “Yes. I was shocked because the car suddenly swerved toward the center line.”“My eyes are keep trying to close.”This is an incident that happened on the way back from a new year workshop. The event [workshop] which had been plan...
It is already my 42nd birthday. The thought of my parents, who gave birth to me, is the first thought to come to mind, now that I am old. I feel so sorry for not repaying their hard, difficult efforts in giving birth to and raising me. Mom has a playful person...
The sail and standard of life
“Blue sky, the Milky~Way~”My eldest and second-eldest are clapping along to the Milky Way children’s song. This scene is familiar one in our house of three daughters.“Dad! What is a sail?”“What?”“You know, at the end of the song it says, ‘Without putt...
Youhave I met yousomewhere before.You have been waitingin a form that would make me fall in love at [just] one glance.Have you not? At the first glanceI knew it was you. I set my eyes upon youand I put you in my heart. I set the pure white sail, which is like ...
Let's set up the sail of the Lord
Let’s put up the sailPut up the sailYour boatMy boatLet’s put up the sail of the LordLet’s put up the sailPut up the sailWithout exception,small boat or bigLet’s put up the sail of the LordSince the Lord isthe sail of lifethe sail of hopeand the sail of tr...
The pharmacy of the spirit
When my body aches, I become too lazy to do anything. I want to rest, as I have no strength, but the things that I need to do can be vividly seen. And if someone repeatedly asks me to do something, my sleepy and tired eyes can open and focus, but at such times...
The greatest insurance
“Do you have insurance?”“No.”“Well then, the cost of repair will come out to be a lot.”“At any rate, I’d like to have you fix it.’“If you leave your contact number here, we’ll contact you later.” A few days ago, my phone just turned off by itself w...
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