
For my future and for my spiritby 날개단약속

[Spiritual realization]

With hope, for my spirit

For my future and for my spirit


No matter how much people cry out that we must live for 'the future,' it is difficult and busy enough living even for 'the present' every day; people are not good at living for the future. 


We cannot save money when we are starving, cannot live without doing the things we need to do, and cannot live without eating, wearing clothes and sleeping. 

If we did, we would be ragged and would starve and we could not bear it, so, even though people want to live for the future, they cannot do it. 

They have the heart to live for the future, but it does not work well. 

In the same way, people are busy just living with the hope that they will benefit right away from the effort that they put, in while they eat, drink, indulge themselves and enjoy pleasures while the physical body is alive in the world. 

However, when somebody preaches the gospel and says that the physical body should not live for the body and should not live for the present in the present, but that it should live for 'the spirit' and for 'the future,' most people say that they cannot do it. 

"My body is hungry in the physical world so I have to eat, and I have to clothe myself because I am ragged, and I have to sleep because I am tired, and I also have to make money diligently and gain and enjoy, so then how can I live for the spirit?"

"Also, can I see whether there is a spiritual world? Even though I have been there, my body has to work hard and gain the things that I need to gain. If the time passes, I cannot gain, so I have to go there right now. I have to eat, I have to wear clothes, I have to sleep and I have to love before I die."

Even if were to enjoy materials, enjoy fame and enjoy love as great as the Universe while in the world, even if we were kings in the world, even if were to live enjoying everything, if life becomes old and if time passes by, our brain cells die, so we will not remember anything. 

We only remember vaguely, as if it were like last night's dream, so it just passes by as vanity. 

As we live in this world, if we live for tomorrow, for the future and for the spirit, which is the future of the physical body, while adjusting our lives little by little, even though it may be hard, there will be no time to enjoy the pleasures of the world and tomorrow will be more hopeful than today. Therefore, the present will be hopeful, and the future will also be hopeful, so we will live lives of hope. 

Do you want to live for your future and for your spirit with hope?
