
It is to be united as comrades and to be united in deep heart (shimjung)by 주아나


When people do something together, they neither slander nor reject but instead have a clear understanding of each other. However, it is inevitable for people to quarrel with, reject and not understand each other when one person is doing something that the other person isn’t.

It is to be united as comrades in deep heart (shimjung).

-Heaven’s Words, My Words (1st Ed.)-

There are two people in one room.

Would you say that those two people are there together? 

A person who is together with you in the same direction is a person who is together with you.

The criterion for being close and close with someone is not when a person is physically close with another but rather when a person is going in the same direction as you.

If I act according to the Lord’s Will together with Him, regardless of where the Lord is, I will be a person who is in line with the Lord forever. 
