
The chats and fun time with the Divine Beingby 운영자


Inside this warm room, Cafeteria
where you and I have seated

Your car and my car having faced each other.

The things that I liked and enjoyed,

Internet, friends, game, alcohol, cigarettes…

I have changed my daily life of chatting away with physical things to

daily life of chatting away with the Lord.

Just like gluten candy that is sticky and sloppy,

those playful chats with the world

kept clutching and stretching on from me

with not joy but  weighted pain

not comfort but weighted worry

and not answer to problems but weighted problems.

Now that I play with the Lord,

from those playful events,

the comfort to my worries come,

the answers to my problems come,

the crooked posture of my heart becomes corrected with the inspiration,

calms my heart that is cold with anger  with inspiration,

and enters the utopia, peaceful world

where the address is never to be found on everywhere of this Earth

If I chat away with the world,

my spirit gets beaten up with the hammer of the world,

I become forgetful, loneful, hopeless masterpiece of life…

but when I chat away with the Lord’s wants through

daily conversing with him, praying, Word and evangelism,

I recieve his thoughts, wisdom and ability that

I become “Human of god and God’s masterpiece”

and live as a heavenly person and an artist on Earth

while making the Creator Lord’s purpose of creation fulfilled on Earth.

Now my daily life is about revealing

the veil of creation’s purpose

of the divine being’s personality and

his joy to make us as his counterpart

by having chat with him everyday.

My life that is becoming the heaven’s disposition of

the Creator Lord’s love will from my old foolish and worldly nature.

The valuable life of becoming the heavenly person by the Creator Lord’s will of love.

The valuable life of living with the Lord.

[The Teacher who have taught us the word and his one of proverbs:]

He told us that ‘Art is human living itself. Human is the Creator Lord’s greatest masterpiece and

Human’s life is the life on stage of arts.’
Become the artists who live eternally as they make their everyday life as stage, always conversing with the Divine Being.  
