
Oh My Heart is...by 파란백조



Oh, My Heart Is...

Oh, my heart is like outer space
The Lord’s bright star is shining within my heart

Oh, my heart is like a richly soiled farm
My fruits of love for the Lord are dangling

Oh, my heart is like a flower garden
My never-changing flowers of love that are radiantly colorful
Are filled abundantly with a beautiful fragrance

Oh, my heart is like the river waters
Flowing, flowing, flowing down, having been embraced by his arms, which are like the sea

Oh, my heart is like the wide earth
The seeds of the Word drop and flowers start to sprout
On the ground watered by my heart

Oh, my heart is like a garbage bin
It can be used again after having been cleaned like a rice bowl
When all the waste has been emptied.

Oh, my heart is like a doorknob
The beloved Lord knocks and pulls on to open

Oh, my heart is like a balloon
It floats, following the Lord, dancing here and there

Oh, my heart,
Oh, my heart.
The thousands and tens of thousands of them
Cannot all be expressed with words

