
Etiquette about God by 도토리


Ever since I was little, I've heard that I am 'clueless- immature' alot. Now that I am older, I think I know why they said such thing to me. However there are many times that I cannot do even if I try to fix because I do not know what it means to be 'mature- knowing'. Surprisingly my bridegroom is has alot of loving heart. I think God has paired us up so that I can learn from him. My bridegroom learned from his mother. I think his mother is the best when it comes to having alot of love and loving others. If I were to go over to her place, even if I think to only have little food because of lacking time, I think to always surely put something in my mouth even if it's water, in order to leaver her place. "Thank ya~" is something that I always hear from her whenever we are done speaking over the phone. How could a phone call from her daughter-in-law give such a great thankful heart? In the beginning, I thought it to be strange. But now I rather think of it as her love. Although she is not a person who has alot of things or have learned alot, she always has alot of people around her. Since she treats people joyfully with such a caring heart, how could anyone not like her. When I looked at her, I started to look back at myself and how I am treating God. How much am I saying "thank ya~" to God and giving even water to drink for thirstness to go away. Even when he listened to all my prayers that just immaturely and endlessly goes, and all the precious messages every sunday.... everytime, did I tell my thankful heart. I think there were so many times when I thought it to be basi obvious thing. Although I need to learn about etiquettes for people, I think I also need to learn about etiquettes for God.
