
Two sidesby 파란백조



Is there anyone who dislikes money?
Money is something we absolutely need in life.
It is very inconvenient if a person does not have money.
Therefore, in order to earn money, many people spend most of their time at work.
However, when they are stuck at work, they come to envy those without jobs.

In the Bible, there is a verse which says, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
It means that the body and heart act separately, so whether we slant towards the inner being or outer being, the center should be the Lord only.

In the course of life, the body seeks for money when the spirit seeks for the Word.
It is wisdom to be able to control the two sides well.
We might think that there is a lot of time [in one’s life], but when we take out the time for sleeping, eating, washing, going to the washroom, waiting at the traffic light, getting angry, studying and working, we only have two years left out of 80 years of life.
It has been said that life is a time for merely packing luggage.
Two years may seem short, but with these years, there is more than enough time to pack our luggage and go to Heaven.
However, in order to succeed in that way, the center of life should be always set on the Lord and the Word. We should live diligently, though the body may desire for money.

Life on Earth is a blessing.
Let’s not become discouraged and tired in the course of a busy life.
Let’s pack our luggage for Heaven well without missing a thing.
