
My sisterby 파란백조




My older sister went to the Philippines three years ago but has been in New Zealand for a year now. She has three children, all sons, and she went abroad for the sake of her children’s education, and also for the sake of a better environment and situation. She is in a place called ‘Tauranga,’ and when she occasionally sends me pictures, the nature looks very clean and good. She is thinking of applying for an immigration visa.

My older sister used to attend a Catholic church but she was a “Sunday Christian,” whose life and faith are separate. I am not judging her faith. This is just what I observed. And she stopped going a long time ago, and is now in a state where she simply will not deny the existence of a Divine Being in her heart.

My older sister is smart and articulate. She has a talent that I will never have: that is, to be able to easily talk to even a stranger for ten hours. I can only talk to people I know because I perceive talking to people to be embarrassing. My head becomes like an icicle in front of strangers. Although we are from the same family, there are many differences between us. She used to have a leadership role in the place where she worked for 20 years, and she did the work of educating and managing people. Maybe that is why she does not get drained even after talking for so long.

When my older sister was in the Philippines, I visited her together with my younger sister and parents. We went in January and it was good because the weather was not too hot, and in the evenings it became cool. During that one week stay, the Philippines that I saw had two extremes. Where there were rich people, there were also children with no shoes and people begging in the streets.

I think this scene can be seen worldwide. For about 7000 or 8000 won ($7-8), you can get an hour-long full body massage. My older sister lived on the 34th floor of the apartment building, and if I looked down from there, I could clearly see villages that were both well off and poor.

People working hard to earn even a couple of bucks a day… the people who rowed my boat to the falls with all of their strength... people who pulled the horse, which I was riding, to the volcano, walking the distance of 400, 500m on the high, uneven paths wearing only sandals. I felt bad even though I do not live there long-term. However, they have their own way of life and are not ashamed of their lifestyles. They would rather say that the viewpoint from which I looked at them, thinking such thoughts, is wrong. It is not because I am living well (I am not rich), but when I saw people and a nation without the gospel, I could feel the heart of pity that God has towards this country.

Since my sister is now in New Zealand, I always pray for New Zealand. My interest and prayer goes towards places where my beloved ones are. In the same way, God turns His eyes to those whom He loves. Although there are many stars in the universe, His whole heart and both His eyes rest on the place where His beloved mankind is --the Earth.

Even though I always pray for my beloved older sister, she does not know. She rather asks if I need to live this kind of a life of faith, going to church more than 20 times a week.

Hey sister,
I will pray for you, wherever you may be.

I will pray for you and always hold onto you because I love you.
Even if you may be at the South Pole or the North Pole, I will pray to the point the glaciers melt.
This is the love God has for you through me.

You will come to know someday.

Although your gums may weaken and you will become old, you will still be talkative.

If you recognize me then, I will have no regrets.
Sister, I love you.

God really wants to say this to you through me.
I love you. I love you. My beloved.
