
Settling Downby 파란백조


Settling Down

Just as mankind had settled into farming from hunting and gathering, let your wandering life find rest in God.


5kg of fat have settled in my body over the last six months. As a matter of fact, I already weigh 10 kg more than my standard weight, so I’ve gained a total of 15 kg. If this continues, I will definitely become a fat woman.

Mankind had always been hungry. It wasn’t that long ago that mankind escaped from hunger. Maybe about 100 years only? For Korea, it hasn’t even been 50 years.

Human beings used to migrate here and there to survive, relying on the method of gathering and hunting, but as mankind began to settle down in one place and farm, people started to experience satiation.

It took mankind a tremendously long time to realize that the sprouts forming from fallen seed could be harvested and eaten. Ultimately, they gained the wisdom of farming and discovered that they could escape hunger by storing up seeds, which would provide them with enough food for the next year.They realized that just one grain of seed had the power to produce a golden field of harvest. Historians call this Agricultural Revolution.

Settling down in one place, instead of roaming around many places, led to numerous changes. It turned out that becoming satiated from eating crops affected not only their physical bodies but also their minds. The door of the metaphysical worlds such as religion and philosophy were opened wide at the time: they studied about the sun and the moon, they created calendars and even discovered the definition of ‘one year’.

In fact, animals also knew the changes of time and the seasons. When the set time comes, don’t migratory birds fly towards their targeted destination without delay? However, human beings who were more advanced than animals, could feel the existence of the Divine Being through the changing seasons, and thus brought about revolutionary stories that were as numerous as the stars in the sky. The history of agriculture reveals this.

My dear, are you wandering about in the field of life? 

Are you just pasturing your life with cows and sheep? 

It’s time to settle down.  

Just as mankind had settled into farming from hunting and gathering, let your wandering life find rest in God. A revolution will take place in your life. 

And you’ll converse with God while gazing at the evening sky. 

The number of conversations between you and God will exceed the number of stars. In the loneliness and the hunger of solitude, you will truly feel the satiety of love.
