
The reason why God takes time to grant us thingsby 주아나



A long time ago, there was a certain man named Elkanah who lived in a hill country of Ephraim. He had two wives whose names were Hannah and Penninah.
Whenever the day of sacrifice came, he would specially give double portions of the sacrificial meat to Hannah since he loved her dearly. However Jehovah did not grant her children. Penninah irritated  Hannah by saying how her womb is barren as Hannah receives special attention.

In her deep sadness, Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping, without being able to get any sleep.

She earnestly prayed saying, “God! My heart is deeply troubled. I am suffering so much. I did not know that the pain of having no child would be this great. So if you remember me and grant me a good son, I will raise him to be more valuable than any other child. No, I will bring him to you as soon as he stops drinking milk. I will bring him to the temple and make him serve you from his early days, so that he can do your work and become a product of joy for you, God.”

Ultimately, God answered her prayer by allowing a son to be born. That son was the prophet Samuel who raised and anointed the two kings of Israel, Saul and David.

After you have married because of love, the pain of being unable to give birth to a life is truly great. The bride becomes more desperate because bearing a life is a sign of love.
However, hidden is this pain  is a precious will.
Hannah’s son being born late was God’s Will because He wanted her to raise Samuel, a precious life, in a sincere way from the time he was in the womb.
It is said that in order for a great person to be born, a great condition is required.

That is why God even made  Samuel’s mother set the condition of struggles and prayer.

Even Abraham’s wife, Sarah; and Jacob’s wife, Rachel, had to struggle by setting a long condition  of going through the pain of not having a child.

With her sincerity, Sarah was able to gain the child of obedience, Isaac; and Rachel the person of dreams, Joseph.

God is speaking to the witnesses of this time period who are worn out from evangelizing.

“You too, you are a person like Hannah so pray with more dedication.
I have precious children of faith that need to be born through you, so cheer up.
I am preparing you and making it take a longer time so that you will give birth to a shinier, greater, and better child according to My Will. Although it may be difficult and hard, renew your thoughts and wait with thanksgiving, joyfulness, prayer, and dedication.
Then, a  history of life, more abundant and great than Hannah’s, will be carried out through you.”
