Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
대학원을 다닐 때 언어연수를 위해 교환학생으로 러시아 이르쿠츠크에 갔었다. 10개월 정도 지냈는데, 정말...
올해의 건축가상
기자 : 먼저 ‘올해의 광속 건축가상’ 축하드립니다.느헤미야 : 고맙습니다.기자 : 52일 ...
포도가 맛이 없다.
작년 여름으로 기억된다.시댁에 가기 전에 신랑이 맛난 포도 한 박스 사드리고 싶다 해서동네에서 꽤 유명한 과일 가게에 들렀다. 과일 맛 좋기로 유명한 가게였지만 주인이 너무 퉁명스러웠다.과일값도 다른 곳에 비해서 몇천 원 더 비쌌다.사람이 물건을 살 때 기분 좋게 사야 ...
의인[義人] & 위인[偉人]
거리낌이 낳은 거리감입니다그와 나 사이 앙금 줄이 엉겨 붙더니 내게 수모가 오고 나도 그에게 수모를 던집니다.거리낌이 낳은 거리감에 고립됐습니다.허물 실수는 누구나 지니고 사는 생활 자산인데그러한 자산 하나 없는 자, 하나 없는 이세상에그의 들보가 내 눈에 가시라고 ...
The teachings of the Lord
As spring break continued on, my youngest son--blood type A--caught a really bad cold, so my busy days flew by quickly because I had to take care of him. In the end, I also caught a really bad cold.I became dizzy, my stomach ached and I was so cold that my bod...
My beloved teacher
My beloved teacher~ It’s been a while since I last wrote to you. How are you?Since it’s Teacher’s Day, I’ve been thinking more about you.I know I shouldn’t think of you only on special days…. hehe... ^^It feels like it was just yesterday that I studied t...
My father is going to meet his father
The ground of every path is filledwith all kinds of carnationsThe seller’s hands and the buyer’s hands are bustlingwith excited hearts.All the way over there,an elder with white-grey hair,holding a pretty basket of carnations,walks towards something.Dear...i...
The realization of covering
After we had moved into our new church, it was time to complete the renovations by putting wallpaper on the walls. We had to put up wallpaper in both the main sanctuary and the cultural center, but the wallpaper and labor costs ranged from $1000 to $1100, whic...
Responses of Flowers
When you were annoyed because I stung your nose,it was you who gave me an acacia flower. When my anger set your heart on fire,it was you who politely offered me a tulip flower.When I was so mean that I tormented your heart, it was you who gave me a handful of...
The agricultural work of farming lives
Have you walked through farmland or rice fields recently?As March approaches, the cold winter weather gradually disappears and the fragrance of spring abundantly fills the fields. ‘Samcheonpo,’ the city I’m living in, is a place that is close to nature. If ...
Ah, the back of my neck feels tense
A couple of days ago, the church I had been attending for a while moved right across the road to a building that was like a hidden treasure.We did everything we could to avoid paying fees for the interior works and human resources. Since there were a lot of pr...
The reason why God takes time to grant us things
A long time ago, there was a certain man named Elkanah who lived in a hill country of Ephraim. He had two wives whose names were Hannah and Penninah. Whenever the day of sacrifice came, he would specially give double portions of the sacrificial meat to Hannah ...
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