
[Our News] Christian Gospel Mission junior high and high school members’ 1,000 proverbs exhibition: Conversation With The Lord

Opening ceremony held in both Korean and English.


 ▲ Heaven’s Language Retreat

“The 1,000 Proverbs Exhibition” became a hot topic. The Christian Gospel Mission Bundang Church’s junior high and high school male students participated in this exhibit.


You can read the proverbs that male junior high and high school students from the same church received. They received the proverbs during their daily lives or while they were conversing with the Lord in prayer.


For about two months, they were trying to be aware of the Lord’s presence every day while asking themselves, “If God exists, what message would He give to me?"  They wrote these proverbs from their daily realizations, or from realizations during their conversations with the Lord. They gathered these realizations together and collected 1,000 proverbs.


Daniel C., the International Art Manager who planned this exhibit, said, “I’ve been planning hundreds of exhibits for the last 15 years. However, this is my first time having an exhibition with this theme and I was astonished by the endless possibilities of our teenagers.”


The international exhibition’s opening ceremony on the 17th was held in Korean and English, and a lot of teenagers and parents participated.


The president of the Bundang church junior high and high school group expressed confidence and pride saying, “No one can copy what we have done.”  He also said that “Communicating with God is possible for everyone. It is only that people do not realize it.”  


The church pastor said, “The students who wrote these 1,000 proverbs are true individual heroes. No one can deny what they have achieved. I am so proud of them.” The pastor expressed what he wanted to say to the students through proverbs. “When you take action upon the proverbs, the value of the proverbs is completed.”


The 1,000 proverbs exhibit will be held until August 24th. Viewers can post stickers on the proverbs with which they agree.


This exhibit is expected to be a special event where visitors can gain a lot of wisdom in their life of faith as they open their minds.


Here are some proverbs that were presented in the exhibition:


*The middle names are omitted on purpose.
Park *Min: You don’t have much time left. Hurry and make yourself.
Kim *Soo: A person who takes action on time every day is alive and is living his/her life.
Koo *Young: You should experience hard work too. Then you will know about it. Just by looking at it, you won’t know.
Kim *Won: Be prepared. Be ready. Be ready completely. Do everything you can do. The Lord will help more when we do our own responsibilities. 

No *Un: When a seed grows, it is the beginning of a forest.
Park *Sung: Because this history started with love, it is an eternal history of love. Therefore, be the owner of history.
Bae *Won: When you study hard, you can go to Seoul National University. Likewise, be united with the Lord, then you can go to Heaven.

There are more outstanding proverbs:
-When I make myself, I can see the Lord. When I do not make myself, I see myself.
-When you make yourself, if you cannot see the Lord, you have made yourself wrong.
-As soon as you make yourself, the Lord will be with you.
-Because I did not make myself, the Lord is restless and anxious.
-If I do not make myself, the Lord cannot come, but Satan comes.

Exhibition: through until August 24th
Location: Kyeonggi-do Seongnam Bundang Yatap 3-dong J Studio

Original article : http://www.urinews.org/sub_read.html?uid=22940
