Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
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행복한 소식을 전하는 우체통
[KBS] Prosecution, ‘Allegation of JMS' Sexual on Minors ’ Proven False
‘JMS’, the president, and 13 other related executives of the Christian Gospel Mission Church were proven innocent regarding the accusation made against them in July.The court concluded that there was a lack of evidence for Kim’s accusation which stated that...
[KP Communication] ’JMS’, President Jung and 13 other related executives found innocent of sexual assaults on minors
Jung, Myeong Seok cleared of charges of sexual assault‘JMS’, president Jung and 13 other related executives of the Christian Gospel Mission Church were proven innocent regarding the accusation made against them in July.The court concluded that there was a la...
[CONSUMER TIMES] The Christian Gospel Mission - the opening of the 1st World Martial Arts Festival
'The First World Martial Arts Festival’ was held at the natural temple, WolMyeongDong, by people who practiced martial arts from within and outside of Korea.The 300 people who participated in the festival performed various martial arts. From Korea, there was ...
[CNews 041] ‘Japanese Medical Team’ of Christian Gospel Mission Giving Lectures in Seoul National Seminar
On August 6th, 20 members from the Christian Gospel Mission’s Japanese Medical Team in Japan attended Seoul National Seminar to make better medical society with students preparing for MEET and PEET tests and with ‘future health care providers’ who are curre...
[Korean College News] Opening ‘The Second Rock Gem Festival’ by the Christian Gospel Mission
Starting from Oct 22nd, 2012, the Second Wolmyungdong Rock Gem Festival is going to be held for a month at the Wolmyungdong Natural Recreation Center by the Christian Gospel Missionary (head chairman: Pastor Jung, Myungsuk).The Rock Gem Festival, which started...
[The Monthly Political & Economic News] JMS President, Jung Myeong Seok’s case: Is this a social issue or a religious issue?
“I will only walk on the path of the cross leaving all judgments on truth to God.”Due to a certain press conference and some news reports from ex-members of the Christian Gospel Mission (CGM; President: Jung Myung Seok), past incidents related to CGM have on...
[디지털타임스] 기독교복음선교회, 제2회 ‘향기나 꽃꽃향기 축제’ 개최
기독교복음선교회(총회장 목사 정명석)는 오는 5월 20일까지 제2회 월명동 꽃축제인 ‘향기나 꽃꽃축제’를 개최한다. 월명동 산책로는 진달래의 전경이 절정에 이를 요즘, 철쭉과 빨간 연상홍이 만개해 아름다운 풍경을 연출하는 곳이다. 축제 관계자는 “축제명...
[etnews] The Second ‘Fragrant Flower Flower Aroma Festival’ from Christian Gospel Mission
For about a month starting April 21st, Christian Gospel Mission will be holding a springtime flower festival.The various events held at the first festival were such a big hit with the visitors that a second flower festival is going to be held this year, with t...
[뉴스웨이브] 기독교복음선교회 이념과 비슷한 호주
-모두가 차별없이 평등하고 하나되는 세상을 바라며~-하모니(HARMONY)하면 누구든지 쉽게 ‘하나됨, 화합’이라는 단어를 떠 올리게 될 것이다.이는 기독교복음선교회의 이념과 비슷하다.▲ 호주 하모니 데이 ⓒ보도뉴스 지난 3월21일(일)은 호주의 하모니데이(Harmony Day)였다. ...
[중앙일보] 기독교복음선교회 월명동 꽃축제 21일 개막
해발 340m서 봄꽃 향연 만끽하세요. 자연꽃과 사람꽃이 어우러지는 봄꽃축제새봄을 맞아 꽃들이 생명력을 발산하며 사람들의 마음을 사로잡는 가운데 4월과 5월 사이 해발 340m 고지에서 수만 명의 인파를 초대하는 봄꽃 향연이 열린다.기독교복음선교회는 오는 21일부터 한 달여 ...
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