꽃사랑 by 플로라

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Communication between us and the Heavens


About sanctuary flower arrangement
Communication between us and the Heavens
Flowers arranged on the pulpit symbolize us offering our lives. 

About sanctuary flower arrangement


Today we will learn about sanctuary flower arrangement: flowers are mentioned in the Bible with their basic colors and meanings.

Sanctuary flower arrangement is offered as part of the service ritual. The flowers praise God with all of their existence. Flowers arranged on the pulpit symbolize us offering our lives. The reason is that the unnecessary parts of the flowers are pruned away, and the most beautiful and flawless parts of the flowers are arranged together.

In Exodus 25:34, it says, “And on the lampstand there are to be four cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms.” It describes how there must be flowers for service.

The meanings of flowers that are recorded in the Bible

There are many scriptures regarding flowers in the Bible. In particular, flowers are often compared to life and the meaninglessness of life. In Job 14:2, it says, “He springs up like a flower and withers away,” and in Psalms 103:15, it says,  “As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field.” A flower symbolizes a life that boasts its beauty in a particular moment but then withers quickly.

In Song of Songs, flowers are a symbol of beauty. In the New Testament, Jesus said that all the things that humans have accomplished are no better than flowers in a field, and to the people who worry first about food, clothing, and shelter rather than the kingdom of God, he said that even a lily in a field is protected and loved by God.

If you simply think about the Bible, flowers were mentioned but flower arrangement for service was not talked about. However, if you think deeply about flower arrangement, it gives us a biblical lesson--that we should prepare the pulpit where the Word of God is proclaimed with all our mind, will, and dedication. 

The role of sanctuary flower arrangement and the meanings in the color of the flowers

From now on, let’s think about the role of sanctuary flower arrangement.

Flowers are mediums that help [calm] our minds and emotions. As soon as we enter into the church, flowers give peace and comfort to our minds. In fact, flowers are the most important items for us to utilize so that we can open our minds before we offer the service. If your heart feels at peace and comfortable before service, it shows how flowers greatly help people open their minds and accept well the Word of God that is proclaimed [on the pulpit]. Also, flowers play a pivotal role in helping people receive inspiration from the Holy Spirit, and they help newcomers feel comfortable when they come to the church.

These are the colors that are used for sanctuary flower arrangement: violet, white, red, green, and gold, and each color has its own meaning. Violet is the color of eggplants and it represents dignity and sanctity. It also means purity, spiritual repentance, and an opportunity of offering. White represents purity, happiness, light, abundance, the root of faith, and the completion of love. Red has two meanings: the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Green represents growth and hope. Gold symbolizes eternity.

Now that we have thought about the basics of sanctuary flower arrangement, next time, I will talk about the history of flowers and flower arrangement in ancient society.



Spring, which announces the beginning of life

The yellow freesias and the tulips symbolize spring, and the wreaths express communication between us and the Heavens.
