신앙의 맛 by 심하나

맛있는 음식은 삶의 기쁨과 활력을 불어 넣어 주고 나아가 행복한 마음을 우리에게 선물합니다. 맛으로 만나는 하늘과 나의 사랑과 사연의 요리세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.

칼럼_완결칼럼_신앙의 맛

A quick recipe for strawberry jam

A jam that is pleasant to our mouths

A recipe for delicious strawberry jam

Like fresh strawberries, God’s love is always firm, fresh, and sweet.


Strawberries are definitely the most popular fruit in spring. 

During the months of March and April, our mouths are made to smile when the red, firm strawberries enter our mouths. 

When I look at strawberries, I am able to feel the love of God.

How much love does God have for humans that He would create strawberries for them?

God’s love is always firm, fresh, and sweet, just like fresh strawberries. 

Thank you so much God for giving us the delicacy of strawberries! 

With a heart of repaying the love He has given us, we are going to make a strawberry jam today. 

It is served best with toast, breakfast rolls, or homemade yogurt. 


Quick recipe tips for delicious strawberry jam 

Tip 01.

Cook the strawberries while continuously stirring the pot over low heat. It might make your arms sore.

If you do not continuously stir until the jam is ready, the strawberries will stick to the bottom of the pot. 

The time it takes to cook and stir the strawberries can be reduced by processing the strawberries in a blender before you cook it. 

There will be no strawberry chunks if all the strawberries are blended. So, instead of blending all the strawberries, coarsely chop some strawberries into halves or thirds or crush the strawberries. .


Tip 02.
Sterilize a glass jar before you begin to cook. 
To sterilize a glass jar, you can simply put it in the microwave and heat it for 1 minute. 

Strawberry jam making, begin!!



- Strawberries (2.2 Ibs)

- Brown sugar (300 g)

- 1/2 fresh lemon, which will be juiced (the acidic juice increases the viscosity and aroma)   

Additional equipment

- 1 glass jar or 1 plastic container


1. Wash the strawberries under running water and remove the leaves from each strawberry.

2. Blend half of the strawberries, and cut the other half into three pieces. 

3. Transfer the blended strawberries and chunky strawberries into a large pot. Pour in the sugar and cook the pot over high heat until it boils. 

4. When the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and gently and continuously stir the mixture with a spatula. 

5. When the chunky strawberries have shrunk and the strawberry begins to turn to jam, stir in the lemon juice, squeezed from half a lemon. 

6. To test whether or not the strawberry jam is ready, use the spatula to scoop a spoonful of jam. Once the jam drips once every three or four seconds, then it is ready. 

7. Put an empty glass jar into the microwave and heat it for 1 minute to sterilize it. 

8. Pour the strawberry jam into the glass jar, and place the lid upside down on top of the jar, and allow the jam to cool. 
