
a Very Big Umbrella by 주아나



Today too I put both hands together and prayed.

I prayed so that my son 'Joo-An' can have successful first-birthday-party and prayed so that my bridegroom can get a better job.

We have to do moving soon so I prayed so that we can go cheaply and safely.

While I was praying, I started to have wonder about the following.
‘Prayer has no power at all. Isn't my content of prayer too shallow?’

Coming to think of it, recently my prayer time got really short.

Since I just pray centering on myself and family, there weren't much content to pray about.

Further more since it is prayer that I always do, i didnt really feel like praying.

This is an obvious result since I am a person who gets very easily bored from doing same thing repeatedly.

So for today I fixed up my heart and tried to pray in a new way.

‘Let me do a prayer that is majestic and firm.’

‘Since God doesn't like idols, lets pray so that the idols that dazzels people's heart can disappear.’

Although it felt like a prayer that only people like pastors should offer but still I earnestly hoped.

then it felt like having so much strength in my prayer than before.
‘Thesedays the world seems so corrputed.

I think people forsake their bodies and hearts way too easily.

Let me do a prayer that can value our own body and hearts.'
Although it seemed like it was off the topic but I thought of it as my own and prayed.
There was strength in my prayer.
The prayer that is more delicious and full than prayer for just my family came flowing out from my lips. It felt like the satisfaction that is couple of times more than just praying for my individual self being full within myself.

After finishing the prayer, I felt too bad saying 'Ah! I should have done that prayer.' 

It would have been better if I have prayed for my son's friends instead of my son,

ask for others who are not hired but looking for jobs to find the jobs appropriately instead of praying only for my bridegroom, and pray for those who don't have house in seoul so that they can get the houses they wish with more blessing...

prayer is like an umbrella.
Individual prayer just covers your own self

family prayer just covers the family
but if you pray for the nation, for the world, the umbrella will get that much bigger.

It is such a cool and wonderful work that i can make such umbrella with this small mouth of mine.

With the Lord I open out the umbrella joyfully.

I hope I can open many umbrellas of prayer that can give strength to each other even today.
