Three Cents Column by Director Bong

Three Cents Column by Director Bong of RGO 24! 'Although I am lacking and my writing is only worth as much as 'three cents...' I share the Sunday messages and interpret them with 'the language of the world.''

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A fight against yourself.


It is not easy to deny yourself.

“To deny yourself is not easy.  If someone hits you, you don’t even say ‘ouch!’ It is called denying yourself.”

This is what the chief of the Wolmyeongdong Training Center defined about denying oneself.  In other words, “denying yourself” might be considering yourself as a corpse and thinking, “I am dead,” and living with that mentality. This week's message, "Fight against yourself" is described as " Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow the Lord." in the bible.

“Denying yourself” or “winning over yourself” has something in common with what Apostle Paul said, which was, “I die every day.” Through this week’s scriptures, we were taught that the reason we must fight against ourselves as fierce as we [voluntarily] kill ourselves, is because there are two “different” thoughts or two different laws that exist within us. In this way, denying yourself is to reach the point where you eliminate all your contradictions.  It is never easy to do. 

The confusion between being “wrong” and being “different”

The reason denying yourself is so difficult is because it is caused by people’s ignorance of not distinguishing the difference between “different” and “wrong.” Being different could be literally being “different” or being “wrong.”  There are a lot of people who have “wrong thoughts,” but they insist that they are “different.”  What these people do is instead of denying themselves, they criticize others for not accepting the differences and blame them for having a pre-modern way of thinking and lacking in accepting differences. On the other hand, there are people who insist “wrong” as being “different.”   For example, our Providence history is not “wrong” but is “different.”  However, people misunderstand Providence and persecute us as being “wrong.”

Perhaps Apostle Paul’s life might have been the life fighting between “wrong” and “different.”  Saul misunderstood God’s history as a wrong history and stood in the front line to persecute the believers.  After he met the Lord on the way to Damascus, he realized that Christianity was not a “wrong history” but a “different history” from the former history, and he had a great fight to “convert” his religion.  In the midst of misunderstanding and persecution of “wrong religion,” he lived a continuous life of fighting the “good fights” of testifying about the “difference.”

However, Apostle Paul always boasted about the “suffering” received from the “fights,” and on top of that, he encouraged people to take the suffering as a symbol of himself being an apostle of the Lord.  The continuous internal and external difficult fights between “different” and “wrong” was a run for the crown of the eternal life for him.

Our fight is the fight for a “gold medal.”

In fact, it is very difficult to distinguish between “different” and “wrong.”  The Holy Son said that “the percentage of people who live according to their own thoughts while saying that they will do only according to God’s Will and the Lord’s Will is 90 percent.”  We know well that it is clearly written in the Bible that only the Holy Trinity are the “Lords of judgment” between “good” and “evil.” That is why we can clearly distinguish whether the Word of this time period is different or wrong. Moreover, the Word is the standard to distinguish this time period.

There is a saying that says “ruling the world in peace starts from polishing myself.”   Deny completely what is “wrong” in me, fight “yourself (physical thoughts)” and always win, possess “the Holy Son (spiritual thoughts and the Holy Son’s thoughts),” and live a precious life taking action only by the Will of the Holy Trinity.  Also, be more thankful and fight the fight of life because our fight is the fight for a “gold medal.”


