Three Cents Column by Director Bong

Three Cents Column by Director Bong of RGO 24! 'Although I am lacking and my writing is only worth as much as 'three cents...' I share the Sunday messages and interpret them with 'the language of the world.''

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Read about Rapture from “Doctrine of the Mean.”



“Doctrine of the Mean,” which is written by Confucius’ grandson, Zisi, and Providence history

其次致曲,  If you are “earnest” for an insignificant thing
曲能有誠,  Your “devotion” will permeate into it.
誠則形,     If there is devotion, it forms a “shape.”
形則著,    'Form a shape' means that it will “be revealed” to the world
著則明,    To be revealed to the world could mean that the “light” will shine.
明則動,    Light gives inspiration to people
動則變,    When [people] are inspired, they can be “changed.”
變則化,    If they are changed,  they will “become a new creation”
唯天下至誠, 爲能化  Only “deep sincere devotion” can make “a new creation” under the heavens.

These verses are from “The Doctrine of the Mean.” “Doctrine of the Mean” is known to be written by Confucius’ grandson, Zisi, and it is one of the four main books of Confucianism—Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, Analects, and Mencius. The Doctrine of the Mean demonstrates an important concept in oriental philosophy. It emphasizes that to follow the heavenly human nature is the Way, and that in order to come closer to the Way, it is necessary to have learning, which is the framework.

The message above--The Doctrine of the mean chapter 23--shows the same flow of logic with this week’s message.  Our Providence history started from a small history, just as chapter 23 indicates, but the “man-of-mission,” who was fiery in “loving the heavens,” was earnest, and put devotion into Heaven, the “shape” of history was formed.  Now it is revealed to the world and became a grand history that shows the “light” to the world. The history containing those who were inspired by “the light,” is finally changing; it is the new rapture history of Providence.

God who works fierily in a place where transformation occurs.

The history of God has been a dynamic history that has been changed continuously from the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God of Joseph and so on. Even now, it is changing anew.

“God of the living” means that [God] can create a history of “vitality” only in the place where it is “changing.” It does not mean differently from God, who is one who keeps his law of creation.
In other words, if we “only insist” that God was “God of Abraham” but deny that He is “someone’s” God at this “present time,” it is the same as denying His “existence.”

Charles Darwin said that the dominant species do not survive but “mutating” species survive. This truth also supports the change. A religion that is not “big and strong,” but small and insignificant, endlessly “changes” according to the Will of Heaven towards a better resurrection and better rapture, must be the history of life that the Heaven is fiercely working with. It is also important to know that there are individuals like Abraham and Isaac in the core of the history, and that the history started from those individuals.

Individuals, companies, organizations, religions, and nations all emphasize “change,” but in fact, changing is easier said than done.  Like the Teacher who crossed over Seongwhangdang Hill leaving for an uncertain future, if we thoroughly deny our former ideas which have been previously formed, demonstrate a progressive spirit that fearlessly challenges, and diligently make continuous creative efforts without preconceptions or prejudice, then whether they are individuals or organizations, we can accomplish “change.”
Like the verses above, the key to “change” is only the utmost devotion and a sincere heart that reaches towards Heaven.

Rapture is to be a totally “different” self who did not exist before and to be a new self.

In the message, the Lord said that rapture is to become a totally “different” self who did not exist before and to be a new self.  Rapture is not a supernatural phenomenon where our bodies fly to the sky, going against the law of gravity, but it is a phenomenon where our perishable bodies, perfectly change into something new and imperishable. That is “rapture.”  Providence differentiates from former Christianity in terms of explaining about how the original form changes into a different form.

Our history clearly splits what is to sow with the perishable and raise with the imperishable as sowing the “seeds” and harvesting with “grains”.  This is the main point that perfectly differentiates us from the former Christianity that faced a fatal limitation without splitting these two.
It is Providence rapture history where the spirit receives perfect Heavenly love and becomes a perfect life giving spirit, based on the physical body and inspired by new “light”.

As our spirits are made, they show their “beauty” and shine their “light.” Our history is a history that inspires Heaven and the world with the “beautiful light.” Also, with inspiration, it brings “change” to the world.  We are running this great history.


