Three Cents Column by Director Bong

Three Cents Column by Director Bong of RGO 24! 'Although I am lacking and my writing is only worth as much as 'three cents...' I share the Sunday messages and interpret them with 'the language of the world.''

칼럼_연재칼럼_Three Cents Column

According to your ‘thoughts,’ the ‘taste’ of living life becomes different.




A successful businessman and a fisherman with a small fishing boat

One day, a successful businessman went on vacation to a small, quiet seaside town in the country. He wanted to get away from the chaos of the city, where he was terribly busy because of his business. As he was taking a walk on the shore, he met a fisherman who was coming onto the shore in a small boat with fish that he had caught.. 

     “Did you catch many fish? How long did it take to catch all of these fish?”

“It didn't take too long. It took about three to four hours to catch them all.”

“Then you could have caught more. Couldn't you make more money if you caught more?” 

“Well, it’s enough if I can catch as much as I need to feed my family and share with my friends.”

“Then what do you do with your free time?”

“I play with my kids, talk walks with my wife, and take a nap, or something like that. At sunset, I watch the glow of the setting sun; if I meet my friends, I play Korean chess, sing together, and play guitar with them.”

When the businessman heard [this], he responded with a smile, because he wanted to show off. 

“I don’t know if you have seen me on the newspaper or TV, but I graduated with a MBA from a famous university in America, and now I am a very successful businessman. I think I might be able to help you… For instance, I can help open a distribution network so that you can sell your fish directly to customers and I can also help open a can food factory. Then you will own the whole process from production to manufacturing, even distribution. And you will be able to export your fishery products not only to all regions in the nation, but also to the world.”

“That sounds interesting. How long would it take to make that happen?”

“I think maybe ten or fifteen years…”

“Hm...ten to fifteen years….then what would happen after that?”

Then the businessman continued to talk with a face full of confidence. 


“You are definitely interested in business. In fact, the next part is the important part. You will build and run a stock market at the appropriate time and make the market go public when the exports go well. If you sell the stock after that, you will become tremendously rich. Maybe you will have many billions of dollars in your possession.”

“Billions of dollars? What would happen after I have that [kind of] money?”

“What do you mean? After that, you will retire and build a beautiful house near a beach with a great view, play with your kids, take a walk with your wife, enjoy the sunset of the sea in the evening, play Korean chess with your friends, and sing songs playing guitar. You would live that kind of wonderful life.”

The fisherman, who had been listening quietly, said one phrase.

“Am I not living like that already?”

The businessman thought about what he told the fisherman. He realized that the fisherman’s life was more ideal than his life. 

The core of good thoughts is ‘the thoughts of the Heavens.’ 

Food tastes different according to how it is cooked. According to the taste, how you feel when you eat the food also becomes different. In the same way, life should have flavor, and this flavor of life becomes different according to how you ‘think.’ 

One day, Pastor Jung Myeong Seok felt sad thinking, “I have faced many troublesome [situations], and that is why my hair has turned gray.” However, when he changed his thoughts, thinking, “My hair is turning gray because I have worked so hard for the Heavens,” he felt gratification,was grateful for the Heavens, and was moved by the Heavens. No matter what it is, if you think negatively, suffering comes; if you change your thoughts to become positive, then your reality will be filled with hopes.Those hopes will become dreams, and by taking action upon those hopes, you will fulfill your dreams. 

The core of good thoughts are ‘the thoughts of the Heavens.’ If you live thinking about the Lord and being aware of the Lord in your life, you will feel thanksgiving and gratitude. If you have thoughts that can communicate with the Heavens, and if you can take action upon what you feel and have realized through praying, your life will become one with the true taste of ‘thinking good thoughts’ and ‘taking action.’  


