Three Cents Column by Director Bong

Three Cents Column by Director Bong of RGO 24! 'Although I am lacking and my writing is only worth as much as 'three cents...' I share the Sunday messages and interpret them with 'the language of the world.''

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The era of becoming perfect




‘The supershift’ in mankind’s history, ‘the great transformation’ of the history of faith 

I heard that for the last one hundred years, mankind has gone through a transformation equaling the transformation seen throughout all of the past histories of mankind combined. More surprisingly is that in the next twenty years, we will go through another new transformation that is comparable to the transformation of the last hundred years. It would not be wrong to say that this is the era in which ‘a supershift’ is occurring, since time and space are literally being compressed to the extreme. It means that a new future, which we are never able to anticipate at the present moment, is coming. 

“Faith is to fix and change.” Like this great Word, the history of the Bible is the same. 

The 4000 year Old Testament was a time period of extreme transformation. That type of extreme transformation happened again within the history of the New Testament but in half the time, two thousand years. The law of the Old Testament, which was limited to laws of the physical body, underwent a great transformation with the arrival of the law of the New Testament, the ‘law of the heart,’ which stated that even having lust in one’s heart was a sin, even if one did not commit adultery. 

The religious people from the old faith at that time were strongly repulsed to this extraordinary change. Despite the fact that Apostle Paul demonstrated to them that the new law of the time period was not there to abolish ‘the Law’ but actually to fulfill the Law, they could not accept it because of how ‘groundbreaking’ the change was for them. As soon as Apostle Paul decided to defined himself as ‘the one who was in debt to the gospel,’ ‘the Way of the cross’ that everyone despised was no longer shameful for him. When he set sail on the path to Rome, being ready for martyrdom, he was not afraid. 

From ‘the law of the heart’ to ‘the law of the brain’

Now, from the law of the heart to ‘the law of the brain’... It is Providence history that has reached a new turning point which will lead mankind to a more fundamental stage. This messages says that according to the manner in which you operate your brain, your heart moves and you take action; therefore, in the end, it becomes your destiny. The fact that this kind of message is being delivered is one proof that an incredible history is beginning. 

The history of changing my life’s destiny and my actions by flipping the switch in ‘my brain’ is the history of stepping forward in order to become a perfect ‘divine being’ and fulfill ‘the completion’ of love, while understanding the purpose for which humans were created according to the image of the Holy Trinity--the Divine Beings--and being sincerely thankful. 

Actually, omniscience and omnipotence of God of the Holy Trinity reveals His ‘love’ toward us. Since He knows everything about us (His omniscience), He forgives everything. Also He is trying to do everything He can for us. That comes from His omnipotence. 

Our attitude: we who have received the new era

Now that we have clearly realized that we are indebted to the new history’s ‘gospel’ and ‘love,’ we have to decide ourselves how we are going to repay our debt. We can no longer complain, saying we are waiting for a better ‘opportunity’ or that a new opportunity has not been given to us. We have learned and come to know how to live a life as a human, by becoming a counterpart of love to the perfect Divine Beings. Therefore, this is the time to make up our minds and thoughts and carry them out through action. 

Nevertheless, there is one more thing that we need to keep in mind. Among people who have received the same lump of metal, one person sold it as it was and made $500, but another person made horse shoes with it, sold them, and made $5,000. However, another person made a metal spring with it for a luxury watch, sold it, and made $5 million. 

Even though we have all listened to the same Word and received the same fortune of the same time period, depending on how I do--that is, how I operate my brain and take action--the result will be tremendously different. In the end, the future that will come to us in an overwhelming way is not just ‘time’ but new ‘thoughts’ and changed ‘actions.’ 


