Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
새해 목표1. 운동2. 다이어트3. 책 많이 읽기4. 감사 일기 쓰기5. ...어김없이 돌아오는 새해. 매년 정성스...
헌종 6년 55세 되던 해에 추사 김정희는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 제주도로 유배된다. 안동김씨와의 세력다툼에...
Rebuked by Mom
While I was searching about ‘how to store bananas’ on the Internet, I found a funny story about bananas.In the story, somebody had read a comment which said, ‘it is good to hang bananas on a hanger to store.’ That person did exactly what the comment said, ...
인생 길치
난 소문난 길치다. 서너 번 걸어간 길도 다시 가면 늘 생소하다. 열 번 이상은 다녀야 조금씩 알 듯하다. 그래서 운전을 싫어하고, 어디 어디를 찾아오라는 말은 아예 질색이다.요즘은 내비게이션이 있어 덜 한 편이지만, 최신 정보로 업데이트가 안 되었나, ...
천 배나 더 아프다.
사람들은 모두 자기 중심의 길을 버리고하늘의 생명의 길을 가야 된다.그렇지 않으면 그 수고가 모두 헛되게 된다.-하늘말 내말 2집-조금만 몸부림치면 주를 맞을 것인데몇 가지를 못해서 주를 제대로 못 맞으면주님 마음도 아프고 못 맞은 우리 마음도 아프다.그런데 못 맞은 우...
You are smart as much as you know.
When you look at the religion of each time period that God has led, and when you look at the level of history within society,you see that He always worked [upon them]according toa limit--that is, the extent to which the world of human beingshad been developed....
Doing pull-ups
These days, my kids’ afternoon schedule is fixed.First, they pull out the weeds in the vegetable garden that was given to us, water the garden, and check the growth of the vegetables.Then, they play on the school playground.At the playground, there are swings...
Chopping with an ax.
I am not good at sports.However, that does not mean that I do not like sports. Every Sunday after service, I go to a sports field and play sports, even though I only do cheer dancing or bring water.^^This is the story about the time when I got a jo...
Please vote for me.
It is the election season. The town center of the countryside, which is usually quiet, is now busy and noisy. Each candidate is making campaign promises, hoping to win [votes] from each area. As I am watching them, I also feel that I should make a campaign...
At my kindergarten, a seven-year-old girl asked me,“Teacher, how many pups do you have?”‘Pups~? Hehe.’“I have three kids.”The girl said, “Ah~ really?”I was singing a hymn as I was cleaning, and the girl overheard the word “hallelujah.”Again, she aske...
My dear love
While I am smiling,looking at your plump cheeks,I feel sadand think, ‘They are going to be skinny one day.’While I am patting you,holding you in my arms,I feel sadand think, ‘You are going to leave me one day.’I like you so muchwhen you are ru...
My constitution is the brain constitution.
People only like words that pertain to their lives because they are used to the constitutions of their lifestyles.Therefore, they listen to words that belong to the abyss and hell and they even like hearing them. It is because that kind of a person lives a lif...
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