Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
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아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
새해 목표1. 운동2. 다이어트3. 책 많이 읽기4. 감사 일기 쓰기5. ...어김없이 돌아오는 새해. 매년 정성스...
헌종 6년 55세 되던 해에 추사 김정희는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 제주도로 유배된다. 안동김씨와의 세력다툼에...
창조주 하나님께서 지구 세상에 ‘중력’을 창조하지 않으셨다면, 사람들은 활동하기 힘들어서 못 살았을 것입니다.지구의 공기와 산소도 ‘중력’으로 인하여 존재하고, 우리 몸도 쉽게 움직여지는 것입니다. 지구는 지구 무게만큼 중력을 ...
Offering the seat
After we moved to Seoul, visiting an acquainted person with my 7 months old son was the first outing.I expected that it would take an hour to get there by takinga subway and walking.On the way, we sat down on seats comfortably and werewatching peop...
She whom I love is....
She whomI love iswarm She whom I love ispeaceful She whom I love isAeinyeogi* She whom I love isalways on my side In that hand, there is comfort.When I am embraced in the arm, there is peace. She who is radiantlybeaut...
A rich of the world vs. a rich of the spirit
He wasone of the richof the world.He wasover 80 years old.He built a gigantic house for himself, and he said that inviting people that he met around the world to his housetogether with his wife,holding a party and serving food to them for 3...
A mentor of spirit
No matter how much a person live being satisfied and happy physically, a life gets old and diseased, so this kind of life does not last.What is left physically is thephysical body so even though the body enjoys satisfaction, happiness, and lov...
Joy is a light.
While smilingin the Lord and making Satansweat with joy, do it until the end. - Heaven's Word My Word Vol.1- I think, 'why am I so depressed today?''Is it because the weather is gloomy?''Is it because my family does not listen to me?''Is it because there is...
The path to go as a life
The most superior thingamong creation is 'a life.'However, it receives injustice egregiously because of insignificant creation.When I think ofthe past, I suffered and tormentedbecause something very insignificant and From now on, I hope that we beco...
A person like that in that domain.
If a livestock gets out of a house, it becomes a beast and wild animal.A person is the same.If a person gets out of a domain, they become a person like that in that domain.- Heaven's Word My Word Vol.2 - If you listen to the word of animal and live as itswor...
Even if you live making heaven, there is suffering...
The heart of a person fixes their heartand thenlivesis heaven in any environment.However, a person who does not do thisexperiencessuffering even ifthey live making heaven.-Heaven's Word My Word Vol.2- When I moved to an apartment in mynew city, at first, ...
As if it were your prayer
Praying superficiallyis not better than not praying.Just as Jesus did,you must pray sincerely, with struggling, and you must pray earnestly.- Heaven's word My Word Vol.3A great pastor prayedfor his nation and livedfor a long time,but it did not work out as he ...
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