Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
새해 목표1. 운동2. 다이어트3. 책 많이 읽기4. 감사 일기 쓰기5. ...어김없이 돌아오는 새해. 매년 정성스...
헌종 6년 55세 되던 해에 추사 김정희는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 제주도로 유배된다. 안동김씨와의 세력다툼에...
아쉬운 일주일
"아, 더워."병실이 찜통이다. 자고 있는 아이 베개에 커다란 동그라미가 그려졌다.땀을 닦고 창문을 열어 밖을 내다본다.내가 이곳에 있어도, 내겐 특별한 일주일이었어도 세상은 그냥 이렇게 흘러갔구나.정신없던 일주일이 핑계처럼 느껴진다.평범해 보이는 저 사람들의 일주...
생활 속 주님
“교회에 많은 아이들이 있지만 이집 아이들은 참 남다른 것 같아요. 무언가 하는 것이 있나요?” “저희 가정은 결혼 후 11년 동안 하루도 가정예배를 빠뜨리지 않았어요.” 이 말이 우리가정의 고백이라면 너무도 좋겠지만 안타깝게...
Oh My Heart is...
Oh, My Heart Is...Oh, my heart is like outer spaceThe Lord’s bright star is shining within my heartOh, my heart is like a richly soiled farmMy fruits of love for the Lord are danglingOh, my heart is like a flower gardenMy never-changing flowers of love that a...
The chats and fun time with the Divine Being
Inside this warm room, Cafeteriawhere you and I have seated Your car and my car having faced each other.The things that I liked and enjoyed,Internet, friends, game, alcohol, cigarettes… I have changed my daily life of chatting away with physical things todail...
Relaxing Time
The rain falling since yesterdayis spring rain but it is coldand the wind is also strongI turn my car handle to a nearby parkbefore going to workafter having bought a sandwich and a milkI like sittingalone in the carI eat my breadand drink the milk- gulp gulpt...
Happy Birthday to You!!
Christmas should not have the atmosphere of one’s own birthday or marriage. Christmas should be a day to receive God with love by giving glory to Him through the culture and arts while being moved and thankful just for the fact that He sent the Christ, our Lo...
To My Beloved One...
I know nothing about him. I only heard that when he comes back he will bring me from this suffering world to the place where he resides. I--who don’t know anything about him--only wait for he who said he would return after a time, times, and ...
Wholehearted tug-of-war
Those who seek and take action wholeheartedly on that path are like a garden’s tree of life that he will lavish with water and fertilizer so that the fruits of righteousness will be abundant.-Heaven’s Words, My Words Vol. 2-Pulling the rope with your whole b...
Part-time Job
My mother allowed me to enter university to studyAfter having toiled so much Yet I was not even able to get a job Because I studied something mediocre,Having majored in history, a hopeless department. Already 9 years have passedSince I married and g...
My Cute Little Hands That Are Like a Plant Fern
My hands are really small,People usually ask,‘Did your hands stop growing along the way?” or ask, “What can you use those small hands for?” When I pile up these hands like a tadpole net, The tadpoles escape out my hands After playing around and tickling my...
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