Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
로그인 회원가입 아이디/비밀번호 찾기
아름다운 글솜씨로 하늘을 빛내는 공간
새해 목표1. 운동2. 다이어트3. 책 많이 읽기4. 감사 일기 쓰기5. ...어김없이 돌아오는 새해. 매년 정성스...
헌종 6년 55세 되던 해에 추사 김정희는 억울한 누명을 쓰고 제주도로 유배된다. 안동김씨와의 세력다툼에...
The inherited responsibility of love
“Let’s go quickly, let’s go. Don’t let go of my hand. You should never let go.” The voice of Him who is weary and is struggling with every step has now engraved this responsibility [of never letting go] into a piece of my heart. When I heard his voice say...
Body flannel 2
I returned to the bathhouse since I could not finish getting rid of my body’s dirt last time.This time, I packed everything that I needed on the day before. I’ve also put in two types of body flannel, a long one and a short one, that can be worn on my hand. ...
Body flannel 1
The four days of a long moving process slowly came to an end. I spent much of those days in the midst of dust, as I did not hire a moving company, but did all the packing, moving, and cleaning by myself. Thereby, my body has become stiff from it being covered ...
I am always by your side
Although the cold wind still blows, I feel as though spring has already come. Recently, I did not even have time go out for a short walk with my children, but on Saturday afternoon, I pulled my tired body to go out for at least a short walk. My children and I ...
Owner and the grain of sand
Although God is invisible, He takes care of our lives thousand of times more than human beings and looks after us with eyes like blazing fire. -God’s Word My Word 4th Ed- Do you think an owner of a truck that is loaded with $100 worth of soil, would stop the...
My sister
My older sister went to the Philippines three years ago but has been in New Zealand for a year now. She has three children, all sons, and she went abroad for the sake of her children’s education, and also for the sake of a better environment and situation. Sh...
The gas station of life
Have you ever waited for a tow truck to tow your car because it ran out of gas all of sudden on the highway? Was there ever a time when you could not go to the hospital right away for the sake of your child, because you had no money in your bank account and yo...
I went hiking with my daughter. She is seven years old, like a chipmunk. I am 42 years old, like a boar.A chipmunk is good at scurrying over things, while a boar is good at running as if swarming. I could see God’s many messages of love in nature as I hiked ...
A life of harvesting
I want to match my eyes,match my heart,match my shimjeong, and match myselfto the Lord’s...I do not know how to match,I do not know how to match myself to the Lord and to His love. I draw him in my mind,closing my eyes,and I try to put himin my thoughts,I wor...
Wait a second
You, trying to read this article, who are you?Can I tell you about myself?Are you female or male?I am female. Are you in your teens, twenties, thirties or forties?I am in my forties.Is your hair curly or straight? My hair is straight. Are your eyes big?Mine ar...
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